According to my problem I tried to find a replacement. Today I talked to a friend of mine and he lent me his LCD. It is a 16x2 (W162B-N3LW) from electronic assembly. I don't really know the ...
sure. i have a testboard (velleman p8048). there is an demo asm file to make led's blinking and you can change the blinking sequence by pushing one out of 4 buttons. so there are 4 sequences. i just p ...
Hi PCM programmer. Regarding to your reply I returned to the original FlexLCD 420.h with the following pinout:
#define LCD_DB4 PIN_B4
#define LCD_DB5 PIN_B5
#define LCD_DB6 PIN_B6
#define LC ...
I'm going to get mad while trying go activate my 4x20 LCD display. The LCD controller is a KS0066U and the target uC is a PIC16F627. LCD's datasheet can be found here: ...