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  Topic: I'm new with usb i need help for hid

Replies: 4
Views: 4726

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:10 pm   Subject: I'm new with usb i need help for hid
Without knowing exactly what you have tried, more about your PIC hardware/setup and what your failures have been I cannot really help. Just not enough info.

Basically you want to do the following: ...
  Topic: I'm new with usb i need help for hid

Replies: 4
Views: 4726

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:19 am   Subject: I'm new with usb i need help for hid
Have you looked at CCS' Examples\ex_usb_hid.c file? Thats probably the best place to start as it is compatible with the CCS compiler. I am not familiar with "Easy HID" but would guess that ...
  Topic: Really Really Need Help. C confused me!!

Replies: 2
Views: 4020

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:40 am   Subject: Re: Really Really Need Help. C confused me!!

switch (a);

how can I declare 'a' ===> unsigned char a;
or int a;

You are not switching on the literal character a; r ...
  Topic: CCS USB CDC and Mac OS X (Leopard) failure...

Replies: 5
Views: 8706

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:39 am   Subject: HID Works!
I built up that new project today (home sick) and have been playing with HID since then. I am able to communicate with the 18F2550 as a HID device (TX and RX). HID is not as dirt easy as CDC but I a ...
  Topic: CCS USB CDC and Mac OS X (Leopard) failure...

Replies: 5
Views: 8706

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:33 am   Subject: CCS USB CDC and Mac OS X (Leopard) failure...
A new batch of part arrived yesterday so I will embark on another planned project which I want to connect to a Mac. This time I will start with the HID example and verify Mac connectivity from the be ...
  Topic: CCS USB CDC and Mac OS X (Leopard) failure...

Replies: 5
Views: 8706

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:22 am   Subject: CCS USB CDC and Mac OS X (Leopard) failure...
has the same non-compliance issue described below.

What follows is a snippet from the aforementioned thread.
The reason the ACM Control driver is failing is the Call Management Functional Descript ...
  Topic: CCS USB CDC and Mac OS X (Leopard) failure...

Replies: 5
Views: 8706

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:45 pm   Subject: CCS USB CDC and Mac OS X (Leopard) failure...
I got my IR app working nicely and ported my Win32 code over to the Mac; but she don't work. Evil or Very Mad

On the Mac the 18F2550 device shows up as a cdc device (cu.usbmodemXXXX and tty.usbmodemXXXX) a ...
  Topic: Counting instruction cycles

Replies: 2
Views: 3428

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:29 pm   Subject: Counting instruction cycles
Thanks for the great info! I had seen the oscillator clock vs. instruction clock info before but it did not sink in. Now reading the excellent thread below to learn more.

[url=http://www.ccsinfo. ...
  Topic: Counting instruction cycles

Replies: 2
Views: 3428

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:55 pm   Subject: Counting instruction cycles
Sorry for the simple question; I just want to verify my thinking.

I am working on a timing critical project (IR learning/playback) and want to further tune my code so that I get/play IR bursts with ...
  Topic: USB Bootloader / comm advice for PIC18F2450/2455/2550

Replies: 2
Views: 6434

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:39 am   Subject: WAHOO!
Switched over to the PIC18F2550 and my CDC RX problem went away. So I got brave, while on a roll, and put the CDC USB bootloader onto the PIC and have used it successfully a couple of times to load s ...
  Topic: USB Bootloader / comm advice for PIC18F2450/2455/2550

Replies: 2
Views: 6434

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 2:39 am   Subject: Updates...
Banged my head against the wall most of the day but in the end, after understanding the CCS usb bootloader code took a look at one of my .hex files. It all fell into place ;) Looks like the PC/Mac s ...
  Topic: USB Bootloader / comm advice for PIC18F2450/2455/2550

Replies: 2
Views: 6434

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:08 pm   Subject: USB Bootloader / comm advice for PIC18F2450/2455/2550
First off thanks all for the great content on this forum; reading through your posts has helped me tremendously!

I am currently prototyping with the PIC18F2450 but will be moving on to the 2455/255 ...
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