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  Topic: ENC28J60 interrupt code

Replies: 3
Views: 7176

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:17 pm   Subject: ENC28J60 interrupt code
Thanks for the prompt reply. I see an interrupt in Tick.c but it is the counter 0 interrupt. I think the ENC28J60 causes an external interrupt to the PIC. Every hardware example I see connects INT0 of ...
  Topic: ENC28J60 interrupt code

Replies: 3
Views: 7176

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:04 pm   Subject: ENC28J60 interrupt code
Does anyone know what file has the interrupt service subroutine that executes for the ENC28J60 in the CCS tcp/ip stack?I have looked for a couple of hours and I can�t seem to find anything. I have a P ...
  Topic: 18f4550 port D weak pullups.

Replies: 6
Views: 9842

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:08 am   Subject: 18f4550 port D weak pullups.
Thanks for the reply Ttelmah. I did what you said and it works! The RDPU bit still always reads 0 but I have tested my board with a volt meter and when I set RDPU all pins on port d get pulled high an ...
  Topic: 18f4550 port D weak pullups.

Replies: 6
Views: 9842

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 9:39 am   Subject: 18f4550 port D weak pullups.
In the data sheet for the 18f4550 it states there is a port D weak pull up option enabled with bit 7 of �port E register� 0xF84 (found on p66, p120 and p123 of the data sheet) which contains port E i ...
  Topic: how i made sound from music files

Replies: 9
Views: 20397

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:31 pm   Subject: how i made sound from music files
Hi, over the past weekend I was playing with a similar project. I used winhex a program referred to on other post on this form(see link), to manipulate a .wav file. Using windows sound recorder i crea ...
  Topic: ENC28J60 "WOL" signal?

Replies: 3
Views: 12572

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 11:05 am   Subject: ENC28J60 "WOL" signal?
Thank you both for the quick response. Sadly it didn�t occur to me to google it. I haven�t had time to do any further research but it looks like it is an option I probably won�t use for the time being ...
  Topic: ENC28J60 "WOL" signal?

Replies: 3
Views: 12572

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:59 pm   Subject: ENC28J60 "WOL" signal?
Does anyone know what the WOL (pin 5 on a DIP package) signal does on the ENC28J60? I have a olimex NIC based on the ENC28J60 and its documentation mentions a �WOL� signal on pin 5 of the ENC28J60. T ...
  Topic: OFF TOPIC: Hardware question --> DC / AC converter

Replies: 10
Views: 10112

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:54 pm   Subject: OFF TOPIC: Hardware question --> DC / AC converter
Hi Student,
I�m currently working on a similar project myself. For a possible microprocessor solution you can use a PIC with pulse width modulation hardware like an 18F4431. You can then create a sin ...
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