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  Topic: Problem with printf and timers

Replies: 3
Views: 5251

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:28 pm   Subject: Problem with printf and timers
My system has a communication protocol between two PICs
I think I have a problem with a printf and a timer, I suspect that the interrupt of the timer cut my printed string and the timeout getc of th ...
  Topic: [OT] PC programming language survey

Replies: 14
Views: 15232

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:44 pm   Subject: [OT] PC programming language survey
Hello, we use codegear's C++ builder, is quite similar to Delphi with the advantages of using C++ (and is quite different, for the best from the Visual C++).
We had problems in the past due to Borlan ...
  Topic: LCD issue

Replies: 2
Views: 3671

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:15 pm   Subject: LCD issue
Hello thanks PCM,
The problems described in the answer goes in accordance to my problem: a voltage dropout caused by EMI, or other kind of noise affect severely the LCD but not the PIC (it is logic b ...
  Topic: LCD issue

Replies: 2
Views: 3671

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 2:16 pm   Subject: LCD issue
I have an application where I use an 16x2 LCD display. When there is a power spike (the LCD only works if VDD = 4.7 V), the LDC displays garbage, but the PIC's main program continues to work. ...
  Topic: PIC24/dsPICĀ® Compiler Comments

Replies: 36
Views: 124160

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:35 am   Subject: PIC24/dsPICĀ® Compiler Comments
I have been struggling away with both a PIC24 and a PIC33 as I want the 12 bit A/D.
If I was doing this as a commercial venture I would be in trouble but as a retired machine controls EE I enjoy the ...
  Topic: hardware question

Replies: 14
Views: 21112

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 5:00 pm   Subject: hardware question

Just on (basic) doubt: the routines and protocol used in RS485, are the same of the RS232?
what i mean is: for the PIC point of view it's like i'm using RS232.

From the PIC point of view, ha ...
  Topic: hardware question

Replies: 14
Views: 21112

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:00 pm   Subject: hardware question
thank you all. this discussion was a real eye openner.
I will take all of this into consideration, and decide what's best.
  Topic: hardware question

Replies: 14
Views: 21112

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 1:46 pm   Subject: hardware question
thank you all for your anwsers,

Just on (basic) doubt: the routines and protocol used in RS485, are the same of the RS232?
what i mean is: for the PIC point of view it's like i'm using RS232.
Tha ...
  Topic: hardware question

Replies: 14
Views: 21112

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 11:12 am   Subject: hardware question
hello, thanks for the awnser.
I thougth of that, but can i share the RS485 connection? this is, can I use a bus shared by the 8 slaves without problems?
  Topic: hardware question

Replies: 14
Views: 21112

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:44 am   Subject: hardware question
I have to connect several boards together, in a master/slave configuration. I will have one master and a total amount of 32 possible slaves. The maximum distance between master and slave is o ...
  Topic: (f)printf format %u %d broken ?

Replies: 13
Views: 33930

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:20 am   Subject: (f)printf format %u %d broken ?
no It doesn't work fot me...

#use rs232(baud=38400,UART2,ERRORS,STREAM=seriale)
char stringa

This is failing, because 'fprintf', requires a stream name. You are giving it a string storage area. ...
  Topic: (f)printf format %u %d broken ?

Replies: 13
Views: 33930

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 3:17 am   Subject: (f)printf format %u %d broken ?
ok if it works, its ok.
I don't know i does it gives you an error. Try and take out the casts and put the printf with the l versios (lu and ld).
  Topic: (f)printf format %u %d broken ?

Replies: 13
Views: 33930

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:28 am   Subject: (f)printf format %u %d broken ?
try something like this:

#use rs232(UART1,baud=9600, parity=N,bits=8,STREAM = Debug_Decoder)

char texto[30];


fprintf(texto,"%u %ld", ..);
fpri ...
  Topic: (f)printf format %u %d broken ?

Replies: 13
Views: 33930

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:14 pm   Subject: (f)printf format %u %d broken ?
I hit a similar question here in this topic

In my case seems it is a bug from PCWHD.
The only way that I can work it out is printing to ...
  Topic: String concatenation at compile time

Replies: 5
Views: 5572

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:39 am   Subject: String concatenation at compile time
Hello, You can use the standard C function strcat(str1, str2) in "string.h"
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