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  Topic: 18F4550 and int osc hangs with getc

Replies: 4
Views: 5683

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:20 pm   Subject: 18F4550 and int osc hangs with getc
Thank you!

That is the problem, setting OSCCON manually resolved the problem.

Maybe a CCS bug?

Best regards,
  Topic: 18F4550 and int osc hangs with getc

Replies: 4
Views: 5683

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:23 am   Subject: 18F4550 and int osc hangs with getc
I have extracted a part of the project.
The other compiler version is different, obviously.

Commenting out the interrupt enable parts, (if you have observed there is global interrupt set to off) n ...
  Topic: 18F4550 and int osc hangs with getc

Replies: 4
Views: 5683

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:28 am   Subject: 18F4550 and int osc hangs with getc
I'm trying to convert a project that i have developed for mikroc and that runs correctly in my board.
The problem i have is that getc() and kbhit() locks the execution.
I've tryed with interrupts to ...
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