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  Topic: Difference between TX/RX and normal I/O with #use RS232 ???

Replies: 4
Views: 13206

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 7:05 am   Subject: Difference between TX/RX and normal I/O with #use RS232 ???
What is your clock speed? The difference is that when you use the UART, the timing is generated in hardware, and for other pins, the timing is done in software. It is possible that for slow clock sp ...
  Topic: Off Topic - Algorithm for noise

Replies: 8
Views: 17284

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 5:43 pm   Subject: Off Topic - Algorithm for noise
An autocorrelation function is numerically easy to compute, and its shape will give an idea how much signal vs. random noise is present. I believe excel has the ability to compute and plot autocorrel ...
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