I spent several years as an equipment designer in the network design group for a large Telephone company designing such equipment. The voice signal is differentially superimposed as an ac voltage o ...
Why not when reading the input, allow a +/-10% error of the required value. this will allow for any drift due to cable lenght, heat etc; Also write your code to respond say 3 to 5 reads (to allow ...
No. It does not mean this. Lets assume for argument sake we use a 22K termination resistor at the end of the loop (used to detect open circuit). This connects to the A/D input of the PIC via a 22k s ...
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I really like the idea of using a current loop. The only problem I see with this is that the 4-20mA (or whatever) current transmitter obviously has to be co-located wi ...
I'm working on a project which uses a 16f877 as the controller for a security system. Security systems typically use an end-of-line resistor at the end of each sensor loop. This way, three different l ...