I found that the debugger works great with a lot of parts, just not the pic16f877a. I've tried a pic16f877, pic18f452, pic18f4520 and pic18f4525 with no problems at all. I reported this to CCS. I'v ...
The whole thing seems to work better with a pic16f877 running at 20mhz rather than a pic16f877a running at 10 mhz. I'll have to try a pic 18f452.
Maybe the 10 mhz resonator wasn't happy. More to co ...
I built my own prototyping board with a rj11/12 connector. MCLR is pulled up to 5v via a 47k resistor. B3, B6 and B7 connected and not used in the program. The proto board has it's own 5v power. I ...