This is similar to the above approach that I had to use in an application where I was getting garbage data coming in over the UART due to a noisy environment. This looks for a start character '$' and ...
I'm trying to visually picture how the hardware does this. The datasheet states "The 8-bit timer TMRx register is concatenated with the 2-bit internal system clock (Fosc)" and since the tim ...
Thanks! I'm away on travel so I will try that as soon as I get back to the bench. I think I'm seeing how its handling the resolution being that I was in 8 bit mode; I'm not using those other 2 bits w ...
Im not exactly clear on PWM resolution even after reading other posts. I would like to generate 250kHz PWM on a PIC16F1825 with a 32 MHz Fosc. According to the datasheet Table 24-5 I should have 7 bi ...
So I went back and made some code changes to what you had posted and was still getting the variation. I decided to put my dual channel scope on the CCPx and 10kHz clock and trigger on the CCPx using a ...
Based on the comments in the code you may have answered my question. Even though the schematic representation in the datasheet shows what looks like hardware logic, the processor actually uses instru ...
I could use a binary frequency but I'm unsure how that affects the result being my measured input is external to Timer1 unless the error I am seeing is due to instruction clocks and how this is handle ...
First time posting on here but I'm finding little on this subject. Using code from the examples I am attempting a 1 second one shot using CCP compare to generate a precise one second output. The osc ...