I had tried SLo's suggestion but it hadn't worked. But Ttelmah's solution works, I added the' i2c_stop();' and everything works in hardware mode. Thnx all for your time!
My problem is the 24c512 eeprom chip I'm using, never returns an ack! I can read and even write the chip but cannot get an ack! So the pic16f877 I'm using stays forever in the 'while' loop belo ...
I think you have to check the code again to see the if() statement in the main loop will repeatedly check for "B0 pin" to get low(0) and then make the "A1 pin" high ...
How did you get the idea that the interrupt isn't triggered? By checking the Pin A1? In the ext_ISR you make the A1 pin go low but in the main function you make it high when the B0 pin goes low. Your ...