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one question about SHT71

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one question about SHT71
PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:26 am     Reply with quote

I used Sht71. Driver of sht71 I got on this website, and example I get on this website too. But I get value of Temp = -39.9 and hump = -4.6% all the time. Pin of sht71 PIN_1 (PC0 - clock), 2 (VCC pull 10K), 3 (Ground), 4 (Data and pull 10k -PIN C1). Like on datasheet of SHT7X. I see on the topic about SHT71 this website someone had a problem like me, but they haven't solved this problem. Help me. I'm from VietNam.

//////////////////////////////////////main C /////////////////////////
#include "C:\Users\Thanh Hai\Desktop\test71\main.h"
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#include <SHT71.c>
#include <lcd_lib_4bit.c>

void main()

float restemp, truehumid;


sht_rd (restemp, truehumid);
 printf(LCD_putchar, "Temp : %3.1f C   ",restemp);
 printf(LCD_putchar, "\nRH   : %3.1f %%   ", truehumid);
 delay_ms(50);  //delay 500 ms between reading to prevent self heating of sensor





//                                                                           //
// Driver file for SHT75 Temperature & Humidity Sensor                       //
//                                                                           //
// ***** To initialise SHT75 sensor upon power up *****                      //
//                                                                           //
// Function : sht_init()                                                     //
// Return   : none                                                           //
//                                                                           //
//                                                                           //
// ***** To measure and caluculate SHT75 temp & real RH *****                //
//                                                                           //
// Function : sht_rd (temp, truehumid)                                       //
// Return   : temperature & true humidity in float values                    //
//                                                                           //

#define sht_data_pin   PIN_C1
#define sht_clk_pin    PIN_C0

SHT71 Driver:

Joined: 12 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:09 am     Reply with quote

Sounds like you may have connected it up wrongly and then killed it. Been there, done that.
Regards, Andrew
Home of Ethernet, SD card and Encrypted Serial Bootloaders for PICs!!
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