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options in serial terminal capture programs for WIN API ??

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Joined: 20 Nov 2007
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options in serial terminal capture programs for WIN API ??
PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:16 am     Reply with quote

I don't want to sound ungrateful for free software-
but I've struggled with RealTerm and SIOW for some time
and both strike me as awkward & a PITA to configure.
YES - real term is so full featured but.....
when I just want to set baud, and open a com channel 8-1-N
then trade ascii with a PIC program and
save the transaction in a file as I go,
its SUCH overkill and so cumbersome to get started...
in the PC program universe-
can anybody enlighten me on a WIN API based
serial terminal with capture that can accommodate BOTH
UART Based physical COM ports AND virtual ports ALA Edgeport USB mediated etc ??

commercial or shareware - does not matter but EZ 2 use and robust
would be so much appreciated && thanks for any and all opinions

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:34 am     Reply with quote

Why not just cut some Delphi code ? Simple, easy to do and you'll get what YOU want NOT what others have done !

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:00 pm     Reply with quote

Thanks for the tip - but honestly?

You are either a "true believer" or totally kidding right ?

I already have to deal with 3 program languages and not eager to learn a NPL pascal variant for just this one app.

I may seem crazy - but not that far gone ;-))

This idea is like saying learn carpentry so I can put together a precut bookcase ROFLMTO ;-))

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:22 pm     Reply with quote

Heck, you said you were not happy with what's out there, so I figure, hay, cut your own code that does what you want. If you don't want to self learn Delphi, that's fine. I understand. I dove in, to write a 'simple' keyboard emulator as nothing was out there that would do exactly what I needed. As I'm pushing 60, I've spent 1/2 my life in the computer field and now have 17 'languages' under my belt, though there's not much call for COBOL these days, PDP-8 asm, or Z-80 assembler !
If all you need is a simple reliable 'terminal' prgram, grab a Win98 machine with QuickBasic 4.5 on it. Modify the terminal.bas program and you'll be up and running in 5 maybe 6 minutes.
Seriously though, today there are tons of choices for you unlike the late 70s and no more ASR-33 with papertape readers!
As for configuring Realterm, once I had the options figured out, I just saved that 'config' as a new 'icon' on the desktop. Right now I have 5 of them for the various systems I have to deal with, most legacy or propriatory systems that 'kids' just do not understand!
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