Joined: 02 Feb 2010 Posts: 354
dsPic30Fxxxx |
Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:44 am |
Hello all!
I have some question about dsPic:
1. Can't connect to dsPic30F3014 using ICD-U64-Software ver.5.007, Firmware ver. 3.04. I'm using CCS C PCD 5.036 version. With Microchip ICD2 no problem. I use 47k to MCLR pin and vcc, PGD, PGC, Vcc=5v, GND.
What is the problem?
2. When I try to debug target with this example:
Code: |
#include <30F4013.h>
#device ICD=TRUE
#fuses NOWDT
#use delay(crystal=10M)
#use rs232(BAUD=9600,UART1A)
float32 y = 123.3546;
void main(void) {
printf("Hello at Main()\n\r");
printf("Hello dspic30Fxxxx... \n\r");
printf("y= %f\n\r",y);
} |
with ccs c ver. 4.140 and ICD2 target run and print float variable, but ccs c ver 5.036 when reach
Code: | printf("y= %f\n\r",y); |
break and go to start point.
3. My general question is : CCS C Compiler + ICD U64 (especially ver.5) maybe is not true way for develop project with dspic ??
Thanks before. |