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12F675 gp0 led blinks - Not run -Please, they help

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12F675 gp0 led blinks - Not run -Please, they help
PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 8:23 am     Reply with quote

I am trying to make my first program with the 12f675, but it does not function. I am using the copilador pcm 3.178, hardware: pin_1 = +5V,
pin_8 = gnd, pin_7 to the K led, the Anode Led on to an electrical resistance of 390R on to Vcc(5V).
Already I made the program in ASM and functions. therefore my pic is good.
Please, they help Confused .



code is:

#include <12f675.h>
#use delay(clock=4000000)

#use fast_io(a)

#byte ADCON0 = 0x1F
#byte ANSEL = 0x9F
#byte CMCON = 0x19

#rom 0x3ff = {0x3470} // input the calibration code


ADCON0 = 0; // ADC off
ANSEL = 0; // GPIO pins 0,1,2 and 4 set to all digital
CMCON = 7; // Comparators off

//setup i/o
set_tris_a(0b111110); //GP0 output

output_high(pin_a0); //GP0 high
output_low(pin_a0); //GP0 low
Felix Althaus

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 9:35 am     Reply with quote


I'm working with the 12F675 for the first time too...

Perhaps the problem is in the following line:
//setup i/o
set_tris_a(0b111110); //GP0 output

You only use 6 bits in your binary number nut TRISIO is a 8Bit register. I don't know how (from left or from right) the compiler fills the other two bits, so perhaps the TRIS bits of GP0 and GP1 are 1 -> input

I would write:

set_tris_a(0b11111110); // only GP0 = output

may this helps

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 10:41 am     Reply with quote

Hi Felix,
is not this the problem. you a binary minor can use.
I made the alteration, but also it did not function.
I continue with the problem

Felix Althaus wrote:

I'm working with the 12F675 for the first time too...

Perhaps the problem is in the following line:
//setup i/o
set_tris_a(0b111110); //GP0 output

You only use 6 bits in your binary number nut TRISIO is a 8Bit register. I don't know how (from left or from right) the compiler fills the other two bits, so perhaps the TRIS bits of GP0 and GP1 are 1 -> input

I would write:

set_tris_a(0b11111110); // only GP0 = output

may this helps

Re: 12F675 gp0 led blinks - Not run -Please, they help
PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 12:18 pm     Reply with quote

adilson_gutierres wrote:
I am trying to make my first program with the 12f675, but it does not function. I am using the copilador pcm 3.178, hardware: pin_1 = +5V,
pin_8 = gnd, pin_7 to the K led, the Anode Led on to an electrical resistance of 390R on to Vcc(5V).
Already I made the program in ASM and functions. therefore my pic is good.
Please, they help Confused .



code is:

#include <12f675.h>
#use delay(clock=4000000)

#use fast_io(a)

#byte ADCON0 = 0x1F
#byte ANSEL = 0x9F
#byte CMCON = 0x19

#rom 0x3ff = {0x3470} // input the calibration code


ADCON0 = 0; // ADC off
ANSEL = 0; // GPIO pins 0,1,2 and 4 set to all digital
CMCON = 7; // Comparators off

//setup i/o
set_tris_a(0b111110); //GP0 output

output_high(pin_a0); //GP0 high
output_low(pin_a0); //GP0 low

Try using the internal functions instead, to clear the comparators, and ADC. So:

#include <12f675.h>
#use delay(clock=4000000)

#use fast_io(a)

#rom 0x3ff = {0x3470} // input the calibration code


setup_comparator(NC_NC_NC_NC); // Comparators off

//setup i/o
set_tris_a(0b111110); //GP0 output

output_high(pin_a0); //GP0 high
output_low(pin_a0); //GP0 low

The interesting thing is, that the compiler inserts a delay after doing the comparator change, together with a 'dummy' read of the TRIS register, when it's own function is used. Why it does this, I cannot see, but if it makes the code work, there may be a 'reason' for this. They also clear the comparator interrupt flag as well.
Also they do the I/O to the analog register with the operation the other way round (change selection, then disable the AD). I remember in the past, on another PIC, having problems if this sequence was not followed.
So, try their functions, and if it starts working, then look at the assembler, and see if you can identify what difference makes it work.

Best Wishes

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Re: 12F675 gp0 led blinks - Not run -Please, they help
PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 5:28 pm     Reply with quote

I discovered that using external crystal it functions ( _XT_OSC)
I made a reading from memory with my programmer, and noticed that the address 3ff is blank.
my programmer alone records until the address 3fe( PICSTART PLUS ver 3.11.0).
I do not know more what to make.
Felix Althaus

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:20 am     Reply with quote

Which programmer do you use?

If PicStart+ with MPLAB, perhaps there is a setting option (in 6.2 there is one) where you can select which regions the programmer programs. Perhaps the option "calibration data" is deactivated (?)


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 5:35 am     Reply with quote

Tks Felix,
I am using picstart+ and MPLA�B6.30.
I disactivated "calibration memory", but also I did not have success. This is very strange.
To function I had that to substitute in .hex the lines of "call 0x3ff" and "movwf 0x10" for "NOP". In this case the 12f675 uses calibration 0x80 that he is default.
If to leave without the changes when to execute "call 0x3ff" it does not go to find "retlw xx" provoking one reset and a perpetual Loop of error
I do not have more what to make to solve this case.
If somebody to know, helps me.
Felix Althaus

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:59 am     Reply with quote


The "calibration memory" should be ACTIVATED!!
What happens, if you let blink another pin (or the whole port)?

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