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Find start address of functions

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Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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Find start address of functions
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 6:38 am     Reply with quote

i currently working on a project where i need to find the start address of functions. The easiest way would be to use function pointers however iam stuck with the older versions of the ccs compiler. However i have wrote a program whhich searches for a string in a function where the start of the string is at the start address of the function, this works fine but i can run in to some problems due to how the compiler works, for example sometimes it puts some operations in before the string therefore making my program useless, i was wondering if there is another way i could handle this problem.

void taskA()
char string[12] = "TASK_FIND_A"; //SEARCH STRING

The above shows the format of the functions i need to find, if i for example put in a printf statementm the compiler does something weird (in the symbols file it doesn't seem to have compiled the function) which i can't understand and makes the search string program useless

void taskA()
char string[12] = "TASK_FIND_A";

printf(lcd_putc, "%c", char_in);

can anyone tell what is happening here?
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:27 am     Reply with quote

Well, you didn't say what version of the compiler you have,
so I'll assume that by "older" you mean vs. 2.7xx.

In the example below, I used PCM vs. 2.734. I used #org
statements to set the starting address of two sample functions.

#include <16F877.h>
#use delay(clock = 4000000)

#org 0x200, 0x2FF
void func1(void)
char c;
c = 0x55;

#org 0x300, 0x3FF
void func2(void)
char i;
i = 0xAA;

void main(void)


This code produces the following .LST file, which puts the
start of the functions at the specified addresses.

.................... void func1(void)
.................... {
.................... char c;
.................... c = 0x55;
0200:  MOVLW  55
0201:  MOVWF  21
0202:  BCF    0A,3
0203:  BCF    0A,4
0204:  GOTO   00C
.................... }
.................... #org 0x300, 0x3FF
.................... void func2(void)
.................... {
.................... char i;
.................... i = 0xAA;
0300:  MOVLW  AA
0301:  MOVWF  21
0302:  BCF    0A,3
0303:  BCF    0A,4
0304:  GOTO   00D
.................... }
.................... //===========================
.................... void main(void) 
.................... { 
0004:  CLRF   04
0005:  MOVLW  1F
0006:  ANDWF  03,F
0007:  MOVLW  9F
0008:  MOVWF  04
0009:  MOVLW  07
000A:  MOVWF  00
.................... func1();
000B:  GOTO   200
.................... func2();
000C:  GOTO   300
.................... while(1);
000D:  GOTO   00D
.................... }
000E:  SLEEP
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