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Packing Messages on 18F252

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Packing Messages on 18F252
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 4:57 pm     Reply with quote

I was trying to implement the following example from a previous post for the 18F252.

I had no problem making it work on the 16F876.

The output shown is all scrambled. Any suggestions on what I have to change.

Thanks in advance.


// *** Then pack the messages up in the following fashion ***

#ROM 0x1FCE = {(128*'O'+'K'), 0 } // OK

#ROM 0x1FD0 = {(128*'U'+'n'), (128*'k'+'n'), (128*'o'+'w'), (128*'n'+' '), (128*'C'+'o'),
(128*'m'+'m'), (128*'a'+'n'), (128*'d') } // Unknown Command

#ROM 0x1FD8 = {(128*'W'+'r'), (128*'o'+'n'), (128*'g'+' '), (128*'C'+'o'), (128*'m'+'m'),
(128*'a'+'n'), (128*'d'+' '), (128*'L'+'e'), (128*'n'+'g'),
(128*'t'+'h'), 0 } // Wrong Command Length

#ROM 0x1FE3 = {(128*'N'+'u'), (128*'m'+'e'), (128*'r'+'i'), (128*'c'+' '), (128*'E'+'r'),
(128*'r'+'o'), (128*'r') } // Numeric Error

#ROM 0x1FEA = {(128*'H'+'e'), (128*'x'+' '), (128*'E'+'r'), (128*'r'+'o'),
(128*'r') } // Hex Error

#ROM 0x1FEF = {(128*'N'+'u'), (128*'m'+'b'), (128*'e'+'r'), (128*' '+'o'), (128*'u'+'t'),
(128*' '+'o'), (128*'f'+' '), (128*'R'+'a'), (128*'n'+'g'),
(128*'e') } // Number out of Range

#ROM 0x1FF9 = {(128*'U'+'n'), (128*'k'+'n'), (128*'o'+'w'), (128*'n'+' '), (128*'E'+'r'),
(128*'r'+'o'), (128*'r') } // Unknown Error

// *** This routine unpacks and transmits the messages ***
void put_ee_text(long addr) // transmit packed messages from flash
{ int ch; // unpacked character
long adr, // program memory address
xl; // packed characters

adr = addr; // copy address

while (1) // forever
{ xl = read_program_eeprom(adr++); // get packed data, auto inc address

ch = make8(xl << 1, 1); // unpack first character

if (ch == 0) break; // if null, exit
putc(ch); // transmit first character

ch = xl & 127; // unpack second character
if (ch == 0) break; // if null, exit
putc(ch); // transmit second character

// *** Typical usage from some of own software ***
void send_err_msg(int err) // messages after command completion
switch ( err )
{ case 0: break; // no error, no message

case 1: put_ee_text(OK_MSG); // OK message only

case 2: put_ee_text(UNK_CMD_MSG); // Unknown Command
break; // don't type with fingers crossed

case 3: put_ee_text(LEN_ERR_MSG); // Wrong Command Length
break; // don't lean on the keybored

case 4: put_ee_text(NUM_ERR_MSG); // Numeric Error
break; // not all digits

case 5: put_ee_text(HEX_ERR_MSG); // Hex Error
break; // the spell's gone wrong

case 6: put_ee_text(RNG_ERR_MSG); // Number out of Range
break; // cowboys on the loose

default: put_ee_text(UNK_ERR_MSG); // unknown error number
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 12041
Hans Wedemeyer

Re: Packing Messages on 18F252
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 9:54 pm     Reply with quote

The 18F252 store two bytes per location.
Read it into a sturct/union and access one byte at a time.
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 12046
Keith Lockstone

Joined: 18 May 2004
Posts: 1
Location: Matfield, Kent, England.

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Program Available for packing strings into program memeory
PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2004 3:29 am     Reply with quote

I've done a .exe to process a text file into a .h file for #including in programs. It is designed to work with 16F887 and 18F452 processors.

Please email me if you're interested as it needs beta testing.

(Original poster of this idea)
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