Joined: 01 Oct 2003 Posts: 4 Location: estudiante
Place Help me, program Array Sensor 256 PIXELES |
Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 8:44 am |
Helping in this project, this it is my situation.
In the school they asked me that he could capture the values of a sensor formed by an arrangement of 256 pixeles of the hamamatsu, and that the values of each one of the pixeles the capture by means of the convertor A/D of the own PIC via the protocol RS232.
For they facilitated me to it the compiler of PIC in language C of CCS to see 3.11.
The data of the sensor are here;
I assist this project, use the PIC16F876,por to be one of those but common among the stores of electronic of Barcelona.
The work begins it starting the operation of the arrangement of 256 pixeles, for suy operation it is required of two clock signal, one used as shot or period of integration (SI)y the second as sincronismo (clk) until this moment all road well.
This is the code that generates the pulses of operation of the arrangement.
#include <16f876.h>
#device ADC=10 // A/D Result format
#use delay (CLOCK=10000000)
#use rs232 (BAUD=9600, XMIT=PIN_C6, RCV=PIN_C7)
#use fast_io (b)
#byte porta = 5
#byte portb = 6
#byte portc = 7
int i;
bit_set(PORTB,7); //CLK High
bit_set (PORTB,6); //SI High
bit_clear(PORTB,6); //SI High
bit_clear (PORTB,7); //CLK Low
bit_set (PORTB,6); //SI High
bit_set(PORTB,7); //CLK High
for(i=0; i<255; i++)
bit_clear(PORTB,7); //CLK Low
bit_set(PORTB,7); //CLK High
With this code you could confirm the good operation of Array.
The inconvenience that is presented and it is part of my current school situation. I am not layers of capturing the 256 pixeles or some series of them (64 0 128 picxels) using the functions of the converter A/D to be able to send it via the protocol RS/232 and to observe the results in the windows (hipertimal).
This is the I finish code and I observe that it doesn't work..
#include <16f876.h>
#device ADC=10
#use delay(CLOCK = 10000000)
#use rs232(BAUD = 9600, XMIT = PIN_C6, RCV = PIN_C7)
#byte porta = 5
#byte portb = 6
#byte portc = 7
unsigned char Data[64];
unsigned long indice=0;
void rutina_AD()
void main (void)
long data; // Variable para los datos del A/D.
int i;
int j;
int k; // Variable para el inicio del retardo.
//analog data 1
Setup_adc_ports (RA0_RA1_RA3_ANALOG); //RA3 is Ref+ others A/D
Setup_adc (ADC_CLOCK_DIV_32); //Fosc/32 FULL speed
set_tris_a(0x00); // Los puertos a y b se configuran como salida
set_tris_b(0x00); // Si se busca que sean entradas, basta con colocar FF
portb=0; // Inicialisa el puerto "a" a cero
porta=0; // Inicialisa el puerto "b" a cero
//*** Se definen el inicio de la se�al (SI) y (CLK) del S8733***//
bit_set(PORTB,7); //CLK High
bit_set (PORTB,6); //SI High
bit_clear(PORTB,6); //SI High
bit_clear (PORTB,7); //CLK Low
bit_set (PORTB,6); //SI High
bit_set(PORTB,7); //CLK High
//*** Se iniciA el ciclo de captura del A/D PIC16F876 una vez en alto la se�al (SI) ***//
Set_adc_channel(1); //set channel
Delay_us(10); // retardo en 1 us
for(i=0; i<64; i++)
bit_clear(PORTB,7); //CLK Low
read_adc(ADC_START_ONLY); //iniciar conversion
bit_set(PORTB,7); //CLK High
//*** Se iniciA el ciclo de captura del A/D PIC16F876, e imprime los 64 valores ***//
for(K=0; k<64; k++) // Se coloca la rutina de 64 ciclos para imprimir
Printf ("%4LX\r",Data[k]);
In opinion the my friends' I am changes PIC16F876 for the PIC18F452, now the problem is presented that the compiler doesn't recognize the instruction ADC_READ_ONLY, and no longer you that to make,
please they can help he stops to take out this project..
Any help they will be very grateful for it.
Gustavo A. Mtz. |