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MMC+PIC16F876A initialitze and SPI_READ problems

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MMC+PIC16F876A initialitze and SPI_READ problems
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 3:26 am     Reply with quote


I'm trying to cominicate a PIC16F87A with a MMC. I found a circuit in this page:

And I'm using part of a code I found in:

I'm using the CCS PIC-C compiler.
You can see the circuit I'm using and the part of the progrm is this:
The comentaris are in catalan... I'm sorry.

This is the init fuction:

int mmc_init()
int i;


*0x94 |= 0x40; // establim CKE = 1 - clock en idle nivell baix
*0x14 &= 0xEF; // estalbim CKP = 0 - dada valida en flanc de pujada.

OUTPUT_HIGH(PIN_C2); // establim CS = 1 (off)

for(i=0;i<10;i++) // Comen�am inicialitzacio enviat clks on

OUTPUT_LOW(PIN_C2); // Posam CS = 0 (on) la tarja passar� a mode SPI quan rebi un reset

SPI_WRITE(0x40); // enviam un RESET
SPI_WRITE(0x00); // tots els arguments son 0
SPI_WRITE(0x95); // checksum precalculat ja que encara estem en mode MMC

puts("Enviant reset a la tarja\n");

if(mmc_response_R1()!=2) return 1; // Sila tarja ens ha enviat 0x01 vol dir que es troba en IDLE_STATE despres del reset.
//En cas contrari hi ha haut un error

puts("Hem rebut resposta desde la tarja despres del reset\n");

i = 0;

while((i < 255) && (mmc_response_R1()!=0)) // En viem un seguit de CMD1 fisn tenir la resposta correcte (0x00) o error de TIMEOUT
SPI_WRITE(0x41); // enviem CMD1 per sortir de IDLE_STATE
SPI_WRITE(0x00); // tots els argument son 0
SPI_WRITE(0xFF); // no es recareix checksum pero sempre enviarem 0xFF
if(i >= 254)
puts("Hi ha hagut un error de timeout\n");
return 1; // Si i>= 254 hem agut desperar massa per una resposta 0x00 desde la MMC. Error de timeout.
puts("Hem rebut la resposta corecte en la sortida de idle idle desde MMC\n");

OUTPUT_HIGH(PIN_C2); // establim CS = 1 (off)

SPI_WRITE(0xFF); // extra clocks per donar temps a la MMC que acabi de fer el que li fa.

OUTPUT_LOW(PIN_C2); // establim CS = 0 (on)

SPI_WRITE(0x50); // enviem CMD16 (SET_BLOCKLEN)
SPI_WRITE(0x02); // 0x200=512 bytes
SPI_WRITE(0x00); //
SPI_WRITE(0xFF); // no es recareix checksum pero sempre enviarem 0xFF

if(mmc_response_R1()!=0) return 1;
OUTPUT_HIGH(PIN_C2); // establim CS = 1 (off)
puts("Establert el tamany de la llongitud de bloc\n");
return 0;

int mmc_response_R1()
int R1=0xFF, count=0x10; //[spam] un contador suficientment llarg
while (count>0) //Blucle que va consultant la resposta R1
printf("La resposta R1= %u\n",R1); //Escivim la resposta obtinguda per pantalla
puts("La Tarja esta en IDLE STATE\n");
return 2; //Si estem an IDLE_STATE retornem el valor 2.

puts("Sa rebut R1 correcte");
return 0;
return 1;
int mmc_response_WDATA()
int WDATA;
printf("La resposta WDATA= %u",WDATA);
puts("S'ha acceptat les dades escrites\n");
return 0;
puts("NO s'ha acceptat les dades escrites\n");
return 1;
puts("NO s'ha acceptat les dades escrites degut a un error d'escriptura\n");
return 1;
puts("Malament en quant a la escriptura\n");
return 1;

unsigned long count=0xFF;
puts("S'ha rebut l'START BYTE del data token\n");
return 0;
puts("No s'ha rebut com cal l'START BYTE del data token\n");
return 1;

The problem is that when I inisialitze my MMC, just after I send the RESET comand, I recive R1=01111111. I use the SPI_READ(0xFF).
I don't have pull-up resistors at data lines, I thinck is not necessary.

Does some body knows what the 0xFF mean?
Is possible I'm not well sychronized reading the MMC?

I ned it for my fianal project of electronic degree and I'm going mad!!!!

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 4:02 am     Reply with quote

I don't have pull-up resistors at data lines, I thinck is not necessary.
You know your circuit is different from the specifications....
Your circuit is not working........
Don't you think it is a good thing to fix your circuit first????

On power up of the MMC, the card is working in MMC-mode which means it is driving the busses with open-collector outputs. That's why the pull-up resistors are required. If you want to become a good engineer you will always have to follow the specifications, even when you are lucky and your prototype is functioning with fewer parts than specified.

Use pull-up resistors of 100k on Data_In and Data_Out.

Maybe something else is causing your troubles, but without the modifications I'm not going to look into it.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 4:06 am     Reply with quote

Have a look at this discussion for another MMC code example and a link to a website with schematics:

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 4:09 am     Reply with quote

Thanks ckielstra.

I just put the pull-up resistors and it's worck fine.

Now I can finish my project.
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