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Need to combine multiple chars to string then float

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Joined: 23 Jun 2006
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Need to combine multiple chars to string then float
PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:00 pm     Reply with quote

I have a program that reads in data from a digital protractor via serial. I already have the receive functions setup and working properly. The protractor sends the angle one 'number' at a time, i.e. 123.45 degrees is sent as a 1, then a 2, then a 3, then a ".", then 4, then 5, and I have each number assigned to a variable, ang_hun_bit, ang_ten_bit, and so on.

What I need to do is convert these chars to a useable number to average and check.

I know there is the atof() function to convert a string to a float, but I can't get the chars combined to one string. Here is my code so far:

float parse(char *hun, char *ten, char *one, char *tenth, char *hundth)
char data_string[8];
float runner;
char *ptr;

// ptr = data_string;

ptr = strcpy(data_string, hun);
ptr = strcat(data_string, ten);
ptr = strcat(data_string, one);
ptr = strcat(data_string, decimal);
ptr = strcat(data_string, tenth);
ptr = strcat(data_string, hundth);

printf(lcd_putc,"%6s", ptr);

runner = atof(ptr);

// lcd_gotoxy(1,2);
// printf(lcd_putc,"%f", runner);

average += runner;


return runner;

I am passing all of the individual numbers of the measurement sent by the protractor into this function. The pointers are working correctly as I can print each indiviudally via printf(lcd_putc, "%c%c%c.%c%c", [variable list].

Thanks for your help[/code]
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:49 pm     Reply with quote

You're treating each incoming character as if it's a separate string.
I really doubt that this is how the instrument sends the data.
Can you post a link to the unit's manual, which describes the protocol
in detail ?

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:59 pm     Reply with quote

One way that you could accomplish this, if you always get charaters for each digit sould be to do something like this:


char data_string[8] = "       ";  // 7 spaces allowing 1 for the 0x00

data_string[0] =  hun;
data_string[1] =  ten;
data_string[2] =  one;
data_string[3] =  '.';
data_string[4] =  teth;
data_string[5] =  hundrth;
data_string[6] =  0x00;

runner = atof(data_string);

but this would be better if you did it in the function where you are actually reading the data in.

you could do something like:

   for(i=0; i<6; i++)
        data_string[i] = read_char();
   data_string[6] = 0x00;

There are many other ways to accomplish this using the strcpy and strcat functions also.

hope this helps

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 9:37 pm     Reply with quote

Once I had a similar problem with a magnetic compass. The problem was that the output
string doesn�t keep the same size, instead it depends of the value.
Typical output string format was as follow:

<sign>  XXX.XX  <CR> <LF>
  +     123.40  <CR> <LF>
  -      12.30  <CR> <LF>
  +       5.45  <CR> <LF>

Normally to cover the full 360 degree, the range and the readout is between -180 deg. and +180 deg.
You must store the incoming chars in a buffer, then in main the first task is to know the "size" of
the incoming value, I solved it looking where was stored the delimiter 'point', (I mean in wich buffer position.)
Also you can use the atof() function to convert a string to a float, to compare if it generate a shorter code,
but this is your job.
NOTE: Following code not tested, just to show you how I did it.


#define point '.'
#define plus   '+'
#define minus '-'

int8  hun, ten, one, teth, hundrth;
char start_of_string;
float Ftotal;

 start_of_string = FALSE;

 if((data[0] == plus) || (data[0] == minus))
    sign = (data[0]; // always the first char is the sign
    if(data[4] == point)
      hun = (data[1] & 0x0F) * 100 ; // max expected value is 100
      ten  = (data[2] & 0x0F) * 10;
      one = (data[3] & 0x0F);
      total_integer = (hun + ten + one);
      teth = (data[5] & 0x0F);
      (float) teth = (float) teth / 10.0; 
      hundrth = (data[6]  & 0x0F);
      (float) hundrth = (float) hundrth / 100.0;
    if(data[3] == point)
      ten  = (data[1] & 0x0F) * 10;
      one = (data[2] & 0x0F);
      total_integer = ( ten + one);
      teth = (data[4] & 0x0F);
      (float) teth = (float) teth / 10.0; 
      hundrth = (data[5]  & 0x0F);
      (float) hundrth = (float) hundrth / 100.0;
   if(data[2] == point)
      one = (data[1] & 0x0F);
      total_integer =  one;
      teth = (data[3] & 0x0F);
      (float) teth = (float) teth / 10.0; 
      hundrth = (data[4]  & 0x0F);
      (float) hundrth = (float) hundrth / 100.0;
    (float) Ftotal = ( (float) total_integer + (float) hundrth + (float) teth);

Hope you understand the idea.


Joined: 23 Jun 2006
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Thanks guys
PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 8:34 am     Reply with quote

I just simply assigned the individual pointers to each element of the array, and now I have 100% precision (or as close as I am going to attempt to get).

As they always say, sometimes is just take a second opinion on code, to step away and come back.

Thanks again guys for the help. I am sure I will be back for more help with future projects.
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