i use i2c . in one method that we send slave address. i don't know what should i send. in my board i connect 24c16 to port A. what should i do. i think i need some explanation :( ?
this is my function :
unsigned char i2c_sendAddr(unsigned char addr)
//TWI transmit address in Master Transmit Mode
unsigned char STATUS;
if((addr & 0x01) == 0)
while(!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT))); //wait for TWINT flag set to indicate that SLA_W has been transmitted
if ((TWSR & STATUS_MASK) == STATUS)//check value of TWI status that ACK bit has been received
marjan2121 Guest
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:24 am
i wanna to write on external EEPROM that is on 24C16. i should write 2 method read and write. i found that i should do this work with i2c ( i didn't have any knowledge about them) . i use code vision for implementing code. as you know in code vision , there is i2c.h and you can use this. and in manual can say that witch pins of portA (for example) is SDA and SCL.
i didn't use methods of i2c . i use another implementation of methods .
i am confuse now that how can connect with EEPROM . it should have a slave address ?
many question
can you help me.....
PCM programmer
Joined: 06 Sep 2003 Posts: 21708
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:45 pm
Use the driver that comes with the CCS compiler. Here is the location:
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