Joined: 12 Apr 2013 Posts: 24
Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:26 am |
Hello i have a program for a graphical oscilloscope using 128x64 LCD based on the KS0108 driver .
I am using a slightly modified GLCD.C to suit my PORT layout and also to add a smaller font const int8 TEXT35[95][5]= .......
void glcd_text35(int8 x, int8 y, char* textptr, int1 color) .....
Anyway the program works fine but i would like the program to display bitmap graphics before it starts .
From what i know the GLCD.C draws lines , fonts and so on . But i dont see any function for it to draw a bitmap .
In the other hand i see on the forum there is a HDM64GS12.c , and some people use it to display bitmaps .
How can i draw bitmap with GLCD.C ? |