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Interruption on RB1

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Joined: 14 Apr 2015
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Interruption on RB1
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:19 am     Reply with quote

Hi Everyone.

I am a student and my team and i are doing an automatic transmission for a bicycle. But we have a problem, we need 3 interruption for the program, we are using the toggle bit RB4 and our idea was to use the interruption on RB1 and RB2, as external ones. we have the problem that even if RB1 is 1, the interruption doesnt get in. But, if I force the interruption to be one it gets into it.
Any idea?
Using MPLAB 8.89 with c18 compiler.

////// Autonomated Velocity Transmssion for a Bicycle of 9 gears/////

#include <p18f4550.h>

//Hall Sensor Variables
unsigned int sensors=0; // Counter of the sensor in the star
unsigned int sensorw=0; // Counter of the sensor in the wheel
unsigned int rpms=0; // Rpms of the star
unsigned int rpmw=0; // Rpms of the wheel
unsigned int velw;
unsigned char modo='a'; //mode

//PWM Variables
unsigned char duty_cycle;
unsigned char pinRC2;

//Bluetooth Variables
unsigned char receptor; //RXREG
unsigned int enable=0;

//Function Prototype
void Velocidad (void); //Velocity
void Estrella (void); //Star
void oc_isr (void); //PWM
void delay_3s(void); //delay
void Rx (void); //Bluetooth Reception
void Tx (unsigned char i); //Bluetooth Transmission

//High Priority Interruptions
#pragma code high_vector=0x08
void high_interrupt (void)
{ _asm nop _endasm

//Low Priority Interruptions
#pragma code low_vector=0x18

void low_interrupt (void)

_asm goto Velocidad _endasm //Velocity

_asm goto Estrella _endasm //Star

if (PIR1bits.CCP1IF==1)
_asm GOTO oc_isr _endasm //PWM

_asm goto Rx _endasm //Bluetooth Reception


#pragma code
#pragma interruptlow Estrella //Counts when the hall sensor of the star is activated
void Estrella (void)
INTCONbits.RBIF=0; //Turn off flag
if(PORTAbits.RA0 == 1)
sensors++; //Add
if(PORTAbits.RA1 == 1)
sensorw++; //Add

#pragma interruptlow Velocidad
void Velocidad (void)
{ INTCONbits.TMR0IF=0;
rpms=sensors*15; //Rpms of the star
rpmw=sensorw*10; //Rpms of the wheel



////////Frequency=125Hz Duty Cycle= 7 a 32% Amplitude=2.5 Vpp Offset=1.25V/////////

#pragma interruptlow oc_isr
void oc_isr (void) //PWM Function
unsigned int temp16;

temp16=CCPR1L; //Read of Register Compare Low
temp16+=CCPR1H*256; //Read of Register Compare high

if ( pinRC2== 0)
pinRC2 =1;
temp16+= ((unsigned int)duty_cycle)*100;
pinRC2 =0;
temp16+= ((100-(unsigned int)duty_cycle)*100);

CCPR1H=temp16>>8;; //Register de Output compare high
CCPR1L=temp16; //Register de Output compare low

PIR1bits.CCP1IF=0; // Turn off flag


#pragma interruptlow Rx
void Rx (void) //mode
receptor= RCREG;
if(receptor=='a'||receptor=='b'||receptor=='c') //for the three modes


void delay_3s(void) //Delay
unsigned long i=0;
for (i=0; i<4000; i++)
_asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm;_asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm;
_asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm; _asm nop _endasm;


void Tx(unsigned char i)
TXSTAbits.TXEN=0; //Transmission OFF
TXREG=i; //Load data
TXSTAbits.TXEN=1; //Transmission ON
while(TXSTAbits.TRMT==0) //Wait


void main (void)
unsigned int temp16;
TRISB=0xFF; //All as inputs
TRISCbits.RC2=0; //ouptut PWM
OSCCON=0b01100000; //Oscillator 4 MHz
T1CON=0b0100000; // Oscillator 4 MHz, timer 1

// Output compare
CCP1CON=0b00000010; // Toogle mode

RCONbits.IPEN=1; //Enable priority levels
INTCON=0b11111000; // enable high, low interrupts.
INTCON2=0b11110000; // dont enable RB0 pull ups and enable interruptsd
ADCON1=0x0F; //digital outputs
INTCON3=0b00011000; //enable interrupts on INT1 & INT2

T0CON = 0b10000010;
T0CONbits.TMR0ON=1; //Turn on TMR0

//Input Capture PWM
PIE1bits.CCP1IE=1; // Enable interrupt
IPR1bits.CCP1IP=0; // low priority

//if(enable==1) //Transmission of rpmw
// Tx(rpmw);
// enable=0;

while (rpms>15) // speed changes are only made when the //star is moving up from 15 rpms
//assigns a value to velw depending on rpmw
if (rpmw <15) velw=20;
if (rpmw>15 && rpmw <25) velw=40;
if (rpmw>25 && rpmw <35) velw=60;
if (rpmw>35 && rpmw <45) velw=80;
if (rpmw>45 && rpmw <55) velw=100;
if (rpmw>55 && rpmw <65) velw=120;
if (rpmw>65 && rpmw <75) velw=140;
if (rpmw>75 && rpmw <85) velw=160;
if (rpmw >86) velw=180;

switch (velw) // is where you will be changing the servo //duty cycle depending on velw
case 20:
duty_cycle=6; // Duty cycle for gear 1
case 40:
duty_cycle=8; // Duty cycle for gear 2
case 60:
duty_cycle=9; // Duty cycle for gear 3
case 80:
duty_cycle=11; // Duty cycle for gear 4
case 100:
duty_cycle=12; // Duty cycle for gear 5
case 120:
duty_cycle=14; // Duty cycle for gear 6
case 140:
duty_cycle=15; // Duty cycle for gear 7
case 160:
duty_cycle=17; // Duty cycle for gear 8
case 180:
duty_cycle=18; // Duty cycle for gear 9
temp16=TMR1L; //Read Timer1 Low and capture Timer1 High
temp16+=TMR1H*256+ ((100-(unsigned int)duty_cycle)*100);
CCPR1H=temp16>>8;; //Register Output compare high



Joined: 11 Mar 2010
Posts: 19537

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:30 am     Reply with quote

Wrong forum.

This is a CCS C forum, not C18.

Get yourself the student edition of the CCS compiler, and we can show you how to do this with this compiler. Otherwise go away.....
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