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SSD1306 Rotation to Portrait

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Joined: 08 Sep 2003
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SSD1306 Rotation to Portrait
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:18 pm     Reply with quote

I have the display up and running without issue.
I'm using Ttelmah’s driver (Thank YOU)
Ok what I need is to have it in a portrait mode.
I need to display 2 rows of 5mm tall by 3mm numbers only.
With the last digits color inverted to indicate 10th.
As in


Ttelmah in the post “ssd 1306 initialization problem” I think you stated that what I was trying and working will not work.
I have been trying to write 8 bytes down a column. Because I want the display to display in portrait mode.
Per the SSD1306 manual page 35 I have set the addressing mode to vertical and have written 8 bytes by 28 columns to the display.
And that did not work at all. Just some line spaced about 5 pixels apart.
So if I understand this correctly from the other post how I input the data makes no difference the display still displays the data from the top left corner 128 bits across to the top right corner and then moves down one row and back to the left and repeats.
I have now given up on that approach.
I'm back to trying a 1K RAM buffer.
But I'm having an issue figuring out how to turn the font bytes 90 degrees.
Anyone have any code snippet that they can post to get me started down some road.
Right now I'm having bran lock on it and have no road at all.

Thank you all for reading this long winded post.
And thank you for any contributions in advance.


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:51 pm     Reply with quote

You are going to have to change your font. The standard fonts are 8 dots high, and 6 or 7 dots wide. You'd have to switch to an 8 dot wide font, probably 9 or 10 dots high. You'll have to generate this yourself (look at a font generator). One of the options on these is to rotate the font 90 degrees.

This can then be draw row by row, instead of column by column.

The display offers the option to invert, but not to operate at 90 degrees.
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