I'm starting a new project and I'm quite unsure if my configuration for the external Oscillator are right, might somebody have a look over it please ?
I'm using a dsPIC33EP512GM710 and MPLAB X IDE 4.15.
The external Oscillator has 8MHz.
I did the configuration with the "set configuration bits" in MPLAB:
#pragma config ICS = PGD1 // ICD Communication Channel Select bits (Communicate on PGEC1 and PGED1)
#pragma config JTAGEN = ON // JTAG Enable bit (JTAG is enabled)
#pragma config BOREN = ON // Brown-out Reset (BOR) Detection Enable bit (BOR is enabled)
#pragma config ALTI2C1 = OFF // Alternate I2C1 pins (I2C1 mapped to SDA1/SCL1 pins)
#pragma config ALTI2C2 = OFF // Alternate I2C2 pins (I2C2 mapped to SDA2/SCL2 pins)
#pragma config WDTWIN = WIN25 // Watchdog Window Select bits (WDT Window is 25% of WDT period)
#pragma config WDTPOST = PS32768 // Watchdog Timer Postscaler bits (1:32,768)
#pragma config WDTPRE = PR128 // Watchdog Timer Prescaler bit (1:128)
#pragma config PLLKEN = ON // PLL Lock Enable bit (Clock switch to PLL source will wait until the PLL lock signal is valid.)
#pragma config WINDIS = OFF // Watchdog Timer Window Enable bit (Watchdog Timer in Non-Window mode)
#pragma config FWDTEN = OFF // Watchdog Timer Enable bit (Watchdog timer enabled/disabled by user software)
#pragma config POSCMD = XT // Primary Oscillator Mode Select bits (XT Crystal Oscillator Mode)
#pragma config OSCIOFNC = OFF // OSC2 Pin Function bit (OSC2 is clock output)
#pragma config IOL1WAY = ON // Peripheral pin select configuration (Allow only one reconfiguration)
#pragma config FCKSM = CSDCMD // Clock Switching Mode bits (Both Clock switching and Fail-safe Clock Monitor are disabled)
#pragma config FNOSC = PRI // Oscillator Source Selection (Primary Oscillator (XT, HS, EC))
#pragma config PWMLOCK = ON // PWM Lock Enable bit (Certain PWM registers may only be written after key sequence)
#pragma config IESO = OFF // Two-speed Oscillator Start-up Enable bit (Start up with user-selected oscillator source)
// FGS
#pragma config GWRP = OFF // General Segment Write-Protect bit (General Segment may be written)
#pragma config GCP = OFF // General Segment Code-Protect bit (General Segment Code protect is Disabled)
Many thanks in Advance
PCM programmer
Joined: 06 Sep 2003 Posts: 21708
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 11:50 am
This is Microchip XC16 compiler code. It's not CCS compiler code.
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