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Last changed IO sets other pin to low

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Joined: 14 Jan 2019
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Last changed IO sets other pin to low
PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 11:33 pm     Reply with quote

I'm using a 12F615 with PCM 4.016. When I set an IO pin right after setting another, the first pin is always set to low. The last pin set outputs the correct value.

I've stripped out a bunch of code to get it to the most basic example. Nothing I've tried has changed the behavior. I'm out of ideas and hoping one of the geniuses here has some.


#include <12f615.h>


#use delay(clock=8000000)

void main() {

     while(1) {

List file:

    CCS PCM C Compiler, Version 4.016, xxxxx 14-Jan-19 22:30

    Filename: C:\TestFile.lst

    ROM used: 52 words (5%)
    Largest free fragment is 972
    RAM used: 5 (7%) at main() level
    6 (9%) worst case
    Stack: 1 locations

    0000: MOVLW 00
    0001: MOVWF 0A
    0002: GOTO 018
    0003: NOP
    .................... #include <12f615.h>
    .................... //////// Standard Header file for the PIC12F615 device ////////////////
    .................... #device PIC12F615
    .................... #list
    .................... #use delay(clock=8000000)
    0004: MOVLW 46
    0005: MOVWF 04
    0006: BCF 03.7
    0007: MOVF 00,W
    0008: BTFSC 03.2
    0009: GOTO 017
    000A: MOVLW 02
    000B: MOVWF 41
    000C: CLRF 40
    000D: DECFSZ 40,F
    000E: GOTO 00D
    000F: DECFSZ 41,F
    0010: GOTO 00C
    0011: MOVLW 97
    0012: MOVWF 40
    0013: DECFSZ 40,F
    0014: GOTO 013
    0015: DECFSZ 00,F
    0016: GOTO 00A
    0017: RETLW 00
    .................... void main() {
    0018: CLRF 04
    0019: BCF 03.7
    001A: MOVLW 1F
    001B: ANDWF 03,F
    .................... while(1) {
    .................... output_high(PIN_A0);
    001C: BSF 03.5
    001D: BCF 05.0
    001E: BCF 03.5
    001F: BSF 05.0
    .................... output_high(PIN_A1);
    0020: BSF 03.5
    0021: BCF 05.1
    0022: BCF 03.5
    0023: BSF 05.1
    .................... delay_ms(50);
    0024: MOVLW 32
    0025: MOVWF 46
    0026: CALL 004
    .................... output_low(PIN_A0);
    0027: BSF 03.5
    0028: BCF 05.0
    0029: BCF 03.5
    002A: BCF 05.0
    .................... output_low(PIN_A1);
    002B: BSF 03.5
    002C: BCF 05.1
    002D: BCF 03.5
    002E: BCF 05.1
    .................... delay_ms(50);
    002F: MOVLW 32
    0030: MOVWF 46
    0031: CALL 004
    .................... }
    0032: GOTO 01C
    .................... }
    0033: SLEEP

    Configuration Fuses:

Thanks in advance.

Joined: 14 Jan 2019
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Problem solved
PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:19 am     Reply with quote

Apparently, there's a bug in my old compiler version. I downloaded the 45 day demo and it works correctly. That's both relieving and frustrating (relieving that I din't have to keep digging - frustrating that I have to upgrade when the version I have *should* work).
PCM programmer

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:32 am     Reply with quote

Your version doesn't turn off the analog inputs in the main() start-up code.
Current versions do that. You can probably fix the problem by adding
the line shown in bold below at the start of main(). Example:
void main() {


Joined: 11 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:32 am     Reply with quote

Well, 4.016, was at best a beta.
If you had something like 4.141, it should work, but V4 didn't start
properly working for a lot of versions.
Seriously also, 4.016, must be at least 10 years old.

In fact though, what is posted is correct code, so I suspect
PCM_Programmer is right, that the problem is the analog ports are
still enabled. Disassembly comments below:

.................... output_high(PIN_A0);
001C: BSF 03.5 //select bank 1
001D: BCF 05.0 //clear the TRIS 0 bit (set pin as output)
001E: BCF 03.5 //select bank 0
001F: BSF 05.0 //set the output bit 0 high
.................... output_high(PIN_A1);
0020: BSF 03.5 //bank 1
0021: BCF 05.1 //pin 1 set as output
0022: BCF 03.5 //bank 0
0023: BSF 05.1 //set output bit 1 high
.................... delay_ms(50)

So the code is doing exactly what it needs to do to set just the specified

Can confirm that the code to automatically setup to digital appeared
about half a dozen compiler versions later, and that with this added
the old compiler works fine.
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