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Rapid USB Example Code and Breadboarded 16F1459

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Rapid USB Example Code and Breadboarded 16F1459
PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 6:59 pm     Reply with quote

Will the examples run as is with a 16F1459 on a breadboard?

Is there anything in the example code that is bootloader specific?

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 8:58 pm     Reply with quote

You ask this as if we on this forum, have the kit.
Did you know this forum is not CCS support ?
It's just people in rooms, in various parts of the world.
It's not CCS.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 10:34 pm     Reply with quote


We have 16F1459 PIC's on the way.

Will go ahead and use the USB one with bootloader.

Keep the PIC's around in case the bootloader takes a dive.

Found out how to program the 16F1459 USB stick with a programmer.

You use a Tag-Connect cable.

Apparently there is a place to connect one to the 16F1459 USB stick.

That is after you take the case off.

Might have seen some mention of it before.

Not going to rush out and get one.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 4:47 am     Reply with quote

It 'should'...

however there's a LOT of potential issues or problems...

1st. hardware. YOU have to order several parts like PIC, USB connectors resistors, caps, LEDs, etc., which takes TIME and money. YOU have to configure a lot of parts to get it wired 100% correct (swapping D- and D+ is common mistake). It takes TIME to 'breadboard' a circuit, even more to rewire mistakes. Getting all this right, could easily take 1-2 man days and this is BEFORE you do step 2.

Step 2, firmware. YOU have to program the PIC with the bootloader. All PICs bought from a store are erased. They do NOT come with ANY programs in them, not even a 'bootloader'. So YOU will take another day, or two to get the bootloader installed unless your hardware is 100%. I saw that CCS does show how to do this on their website.

My observation is that you can buy the complete 'module' from CCS for $20 USD. While this may seem expensive compared to a handful of parts, it WORKS ! It has the USB connector on the PCB, the PIC has the bootloader inside it, there are pins to connect to. It all WORKS. While you may think you have 'all the time in the World', it's time better spent cutting code than staring at a bunch of parts wondering WHY doesn't this work for 2-3 days THEN discover, hmm.. D- and D+ are backwards.....BTDT.
Yes, after 25 years, I have drawers full of PICs and parts principally as 'modules' were not around back then. Yes, I still 'breadboard' Proof of Concept designs, but now I use 'off the shelf' modules. Connect them up and test. Frankly DIPs are small to my eyes and I can't see them itty bitty SMT devices.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:13 am     Reply with quote

Thanks Jay

1 We will go ahead and pick up a Tag-Connect cable.

Anybody know if 'legged' or 'legless' makes a difference?

2 This USB stick may be the only thing we ever use it with. Even that is a

little iffy. Bootloader may work flawlessly forever.

3 We did test the stick and the compiler a couple days ago.

Used the Welcome screen program and the green light did blink.

4 So. You think the example programs will work with a 16F1459 being

programmed with a programmer. Good enough.

5 We will go ahead and take Prototyping Stick apart and take picture of

Tag-Connect connector.

Will post pic going through Google whatever it is. Ah. Drive.

Thanks! Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:12 pm     Reply with quote


So. You think the example programs will work with a 16F1459 being
programmed with a programmer.

Providing 100% of the breadboarded PIC is identical to the USB stick PIC and you put their bootloader into the PIC, any program downloaded into the breadboarded PIC will function 100% like the USB stick PIC.

If it doesn't, then post the schematic of both units.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 7:41 pm     Reply with quote

Thank you Jay

' put their bootloader into the PIC'

Seems like the programs are written independently of whether they will

be programmed in or bootloaded.

We will just figure that.

Then see how it runs.

'100% of the breadboarded PIC is identical to the USB stick PIC'

Well. When you breadboard you can access all the pins.

So. The 100% thing goes out the window right there.

You might be referring to the couple of onboard LED's.

We will just take that as is comes up.

Thanks! Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:34 pm     Reply with quote

from the website info.....
No device programmer required - includes onboard programming capabilities.

That says to me that CCS has preprogramed a 'bootloader' into the PIC to allow you to 'download' your program via the USB port of the PIC. This means you do NOT use a 'programmer' to get your program into the PIC the 'traditional' way of using ICSP.

However if you want to 'clone' the PIC, YOU will have to program the their bootloader into the PIC using ICSP and a 'programmer' like the PICkit3. Once you do that, then your PIC can have a program 'downloaded' using USB.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:39 pm     Reply with quote



We are just curious about this bootloader.

Our Tag-Connect cable is on the way.

First order of business is to do a read.

See where the bootloader is and how big it is.

Just for curiosity's sake.

Did talk to CCS and they can send us the bootloader file.

In the real world.

My associate has a few things to take care of before he will be ready to

take a look at these CCS C language boards and lessons.

So. We are basically just puttering around with this stuff.

Thanks! Smile
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:16 am     Reply with quote

In a nutshell.

Once you have the CCS compiler that comes with the kit.

You are not going to hold yourself back with the hardware limits of the USB stick.

You breadboard or solder up a 16F1459 dev board.

Then you can get some stuff done.

I would not think the CCS single chip compiler is throttled back or crippled.

You should be able to do everything with the 16F1459 that you can do with Microchip C.

Seems like you get a bunch of routines with the CCS compiler you don't get with Microchip.
PIC Hobbyist
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