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Not enough ram for variables

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isaac aiyanyo

Not enough ram for variables
PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2002 10:00 am     Reply with quote

i am having this problems with my program.
i am using a 2D array for bit mapping the characters ABCD
i then try to copy this into a single dimesional array called
But when i complier the program i get the error message
Error[74] 176 : Not enough RAM for all variables
i don't know what to do now so i included the program for your

Thanks in advance
#include <16F876.H>
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7,RESTART_WDT,ERRORS)
#define EXP_OUT_DO PIN_C0
#define NUMBER_OF_74595 4
#include <74595.C>
void Display(void) ;

#byte port_a=5
#byte port_c=7
#byte port_b=6

#define BUFFER_SIZE 16
byte buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
byte Data [16];
byte next_in = 0;
byte next_out = 0;
char font [128]; // this the problem
char const pat[4][8]={

0,0xfc,0xfe,0x33,0x33,0xfe,0xfe,0, /* Fort A*/
0,0xff,0xff,0xdb,0xdb,0xff,0x66,0, /* Font B*/
0,0x7e,0xff,0xc3,0xc3,0xc3,0xc3,0, /* Font C*/
0,0xff,0xff,0xc3,0xc3,0xff,0x7e,0, /* Font D*/
// array holds the character maps for ABCD //

void serial_isr()

int t;
next_in=(next_in+1) \% BUFFER_SIZE;
next_in=t; // Buffer full !!

#define bkbhit (next_in!=next_out)

byte bgetc()
byte c;

while(!bkbhit) ;
next_out=(next_out+1) \% BUFFER_SIZE;

int i,z,ch,n;

delay_ms(10000); // 10 sec delay to enable lcd to start up
enable_interrupts(global); // enable global interupt
enable_interrupts(int_rda); // enable serial interupt

output_high(PIN_C4); //Turn on led on RC4 to tell us the pic is
//ready to receive data
printf("Powering up !!\r\n"); //Display this on hyperterminal

delay_ms(10000); //The program will delay for 10 seconds and then display
//any data that came in during the 10 second delay
printf("\r\nBuffered data => "); // display this to hypertherminal
while(bkbhit) // cheak if (bkbhit) is set or true
putc( bgetc() ); //if true there is data so display it
printf("\r\n"); //with carriage return and new line

// be displayed is the data received during int
// and not the ones received when displaying
#use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=PIN_A0, rcv=PIN_A1,RESTART_WDT,ERRORS,INVERT)
// Now set the pins and data rate for the serial lcd on ra0
for (i=0;i<16;i++) // loop 16 times though buffer[0]
{ // to buffer[15]
//putc(Data[i]); // display the characters in those locations
ch=buffer[i] - 65;
for (n=0;n<8;n++)
font[z]=pat[ch][n]; /// and here

} // on serial lcd connecte RA0
} display();


/////////////////////////// THE DISPLAY FUNCTION ///////////////////////////////////////////////

void Display(void)
int mask[4];
int data[4]; // array to store our data since i am
int delaycount;
int startposition;
int index;
int J;
signed int down;

port_c = 0;
port_b = 0;
startposition = 0;
for(;;) // start indefinate loop.
delaycount = 2; // adjust this value to control scrolls speed
while (delaycount)
index = startposition;

mask[0]=0x01; // Initialize our mask
for (J=0; J<32; J++) // we have 32 columns to drive
// store our mask in an array. we need to do this because
// the call to write_expanded_outputs will destroy the value
// passed in.
data[0] = mask[0]; // store which column we are driving
data[1] = mask[1]; // in an array
data[2] = mask[2];
data[3] = mask[3];
index = J + startposition; // point to the next pattern to display
if (index >= sizeof(pat)) // make sure that we don't exceed the array
index -= sizeof(pat);
port_b = 0; // disable driving the LEDs
write_expanded_outputs(data); // enable our column driver
port_b = font[index]; // drive our LEDs
// i run out of ram

if (shift_left(mask,4,0))
mask[0] = 0x01;
// shift to the next column for next time
delay_us(700); // adjust this value to control the drive time
//for the leds
--delaycount; // decrement our delay loop counter
++startposition; // Point to the next data pattern
if (startposition >= sizeof(pat)) // make sure that we don't exceed the array
startposition = 0;




////////////////////////////// END OF DISPLAY FUNCTION /////////////////////////////////////////
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 10091
Richard Slater

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Re: Not enough ram for variables
PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2002 10:50 am     Reply with quote

Hi there,

Have you tried the '#device *=16' directive, as this tells the compiler to use 16 bit pointer values rather than the default of eight. This increases the amount of RAM which is accessible, at the cost of speed and program size.

Hope this is some help.


:= i am having this problems with my program.
:= i am using a 2D array for bit mapping the characters ABCD
:= i then try to copy this into a single dimesional array called
:= font.
:= But when i complier the program i get the error message
:= Error[74] 176 : Not enough RAM for all variables
:= i don't know what to do now so i included the program for your
:= help
:= Thanks in advance
:= Isaac
:=#include <16F876.H>
:=#use delay(clock=20000000)
:=#use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7,RESTART_WDT,ERRORS)
:=#define EXP_OUT_CLOCK PIN_C1
:=#define EXP_OUT_DO PIN_C0
:=#define NUMBER_OF_74595 4
:=#include <74595.C>
:=void Display(void) ;
:=#byte port_a=5
:=#byte port_c=7
:=#byte port_b=6
:=#define BUFFER_SIZE 16
:=byte buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
:=byte Data [16];
:=byte next_in = 0;
:=byte next_out = 0;
:=char font [128]; // this the problem
:=char const pat[4][8]={
:= 0,0xfc,0xfe,0x33,0x33,0xfe,0xfe,0, /* Fort A*/
:= 0,0xff,0xff,0xdb,0xdb,0xff,0x66,0, /* Font B*/
:= 0,0x7e,0xff,0xc3,0xc3,0xc3,0xc3,0, /* Font C*/
:= 0,0xff,0xff,0xc3,0xc3,0xff,0x7e,0, /* Font D*/
:= };
:= // array holds the character maps for ABCD //
:=void serial_isr()
:= int t;
:= output_low(PIN_C4);
:= buffer[next_in]=getc();
:= t=next_in;
:= next_in=(next_in+1) \% BUFFER_SIZE;
:= if(next_in==next_out)
:= next_in=t; // Buffer full !!
:=#define bkbhit (next_in!=next_out)
:=byte bgetc()
:= byte c;
:= while(!bkbhit) ;
:= c=buffer[next_out];
:= next_out=(next_out+1) \% BUFFER_SIZE;
:= return(c);
:= int i,z,ch,n;
:= set_tris_a(0);
:= set_tris_b(0);
:= set_tris_c(0b10000000);
:= delay_ms(10000); // 10 sec delay to enable lcd to start up
:= enable_interrupts(global); // enable global interupt
:= enable_interrupts(int_rda); // enable serial interupt
:= for(;;)
:= {
:= output_high(PIN_C4); //Turn on led on RC4 to tell us the pic is
:= //ready to receive data
:= printf("Powering up !!\r\n"); //Display this on hyperterminal
:= delay_ms(10000); //The program will delay for 10 seconds and then display
:= //any data that came in during the 10 second delay
:= printf("\r\nBuffered data => "); // display this to hypertherminal
:= while(bkbhit) // cheak if (bkbhit) is set or true
:= putc( bgetc() ); //if true there is data so display it
:= printf("\r\n"); //with carriage return and new line
:= // be displayed is the data received during int
:= // and not the ones received when displaying
:=#use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=PIN_A0, rcv=PIN_A1,RESTART_WDT,ERRORS,INVERT)
:= // Now set the pins and data rate for the serial lcd on ra0
:= z=0;
:= for (i=0;i<16;i++) // loop 16 times though buffer[0]
:= { // to buffer[15]
:= //putc(Data[i]); // display the characters in those locations
:= ch=buffer[i] - 65;
:= for (n=0;n<8;n++)
:= {
:= font[z]=pat[ch][n]; /// and here
:= z++;
:= }
:= } // on serial lcd connecte RA0
:= } display();
:=/////////////////////////// THE DISPLAY FUNCTION ///////////////////////////////////////////////
:=void Display(void)
:=int mask[4];
:=int data[4]; // array to store our data since i am
:=int delaycount;
:=int startposition;
:=int index;
:=int J;
:=signed int down;
:=port_c = 0;
:=port_b = 0;
:=startposition = 0;
:= for(;;) // start indefinate loop.
:= {
:= delaycount = 2; // adjust this value to control scrolls speed
:= while (delaycount)
:= {
:= index = startposition;
:= mask[0]=0x01; // Initialize our mask
:= mask[1]=0x00;
:= mask[2]=0x00;
:= mask[3]=0x00;
:= down=-1;
:= for (J=0; J<32; J++) // we have 32 columns to drive
:= {
:= // store our mask in an array. we need to do this because
:= // the call to write_expanded_outputs will destroy the value
:= // passed in.
:= data[0] = mask[0]; // store which column we are driving
:= data[1] = mask[1]; // in an array
:= data[2] = mask[2];
:= data[3] = mask[3];
:= index = J + startposition; // point to the next pattern to display
:= if (index >= sizeof(pat)) // make sure that we don't exceed the array
:= index -= sizeof(pat);
:= port_b = 0; // disable driving the LEDs
:= write_expanded_outputs(data); // enable our column driver
:= port_b = font[index]; // drive our LEDs
:= // i run out of ram
:= if (shift_left(mask,4,0))
:= mask[0] = 0x01;
:= // shift to the next column for next time
:= delay_us(700); // adjust this value to control the drive time
:= //for the leds
:= }
:= --delaycount; // decrement our delay loop counter
:= }
:= ++startposition; // Point to the next data pattern
:= if (startposition >= sizeof(pat)) // make sure that we don't exceed the array
:= {
:= startposition = 0;
:= }
:= }
:=////////////////////////////// END OF DISPLAY FUNCTION /////////////////////////////////////////
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 10092

Joined: 08 Sep 2003
Posts: 36

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Re: Not enough ram for variables
PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2002 12:02 pm     Reply with quote

Take a look at your sizeof statement.....something not right there.
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 10095
Chang-Huei Wu

Re: Not enough ram for variables
PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2002 7:04 pm     Reply with quote

char font [128]; // this the problem

368 bytes RAM of F876 are divided into 4 banks
the largest bank has only 96 bytes,
there's no way for any single variable to occupy
more than 96 bytes of RAM

try : char font [80];
or: 18F252

best wishes
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 10107
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