Joined: 06 Apr 2008 Posts: 2
Infra Red SIRC problem |
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:45 pm |
Hello guys,
i got this code from Yager about SIRC comunication:
22 Oct 2006 8:36 Re: Sony SIRC Code Problem... Reply with quote
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The method has been mentioned in
So post a working one here. Actually, they are similar, just a bit of change for this SIRC.
Same hardware platform: PIC12F629 @ int. 4MHz RC OSC, GPIO2=IR, GPIO0=TX
No any true interrupt be used, all of them by polling.
Code: | #include <12F629.h>
#FUSES NOWDT //No Watch Dog Timer
#FUSES INTRC_IO //Internal RC Osc, no CLKOUT
#FUSES NOCPD //No EE protection
#FUSES NOPROTECT //Code not protected from reading
#FUSES NOMCLR //Master Clear pin used for I/O
#FUSES PUT //Power Up Timer
#FUSES NOBROWNOUT //No brownout reset
#use delay(clock=4000000)
#use rs232(baud=9600,parity=N,xmit=PIN_A0,rcv=PIN_A1,bits=8)
#include "SIRC.h"
typedef unsigned int8 U8;
typedef unsigned int16 U16;
typedef int1 BIT;
#define VOID void
#pragma use fast_io (A)
#pragma byte GPIO = 0x05
#pragma byte TMR0 = 0x01
#pragma byte INTCON = 0x0B
#pragma byte PIR1 = 0x0C
#pragma bit TMR1F = PIR1.0
#pragma byte IOC = 0x96
#pragma bit IR_IOC = IOC.2
#pragma bit IR_PIN = GPIO.2
#pragma bit IR_INT = INTCON.0
#define IR_TIME TMR0
#define enable_INT_IR() IR_IOC = 1
#define clr_INT_IR() IR_PIN = 1; IR_INT = 0
#define is_INT_IR() (IR_INT != 0)
#define is_SIGNAL_IR() (IR_PIN==0)
#define is_IDLE_IR() (IR_PIN==1)
#define set_TIME_IR(tm) IR_TIME=tm
#define get_TIME_IR() IR_TIME
#define nIRtimeBase 32 // 32uS
#define nIRtolerance 30 // +/- 30%
#define defIRlead1time 2400 // 2400uS Sony SIRC leading physical 1 (mark/signal) bit time
#define defIRlead0time 600 // 600uS Sony SIRC leading physical 0 (space/idle) bit time
#define defIRdata1time 600 // 600uS Sony SIRC data physical 1 (mark/signal) bit time as 1T for logic bit
#define defIRdata0time 600 // 600uS Sony SIRC data physical 0 (space/idle) bit time
#define minIRtime(tm) ((((((100-nIRtolerance)*(tm))*10)/(nIRtimeBase*100))+5)/10)
#define maxIRtime(tm) ((((((100+nIRtolerance)*(tm))*10)/(nIRtimeBase*100))+5)/10)
U8 gIRstat; // IR state number
enum { stIR_NONE=0, stIR_IDLE, stIR_SIGNAL };
U16 gIRdata; // IR data b[11...7]=address, b[6..0]=command
#define nIRdataLength 12 // 12 bits data
#define add_Data_0_IR() gIRdata >>= 1
#define add_Data_1_IR() gIRdata >>= 1; gIRdata |= (1<<(nIRdataLength-1))
U8 gIRcount; // IR bit counter
#define nIRcount (1*2+nIRdataLength*2-1) // 1 leading + 12 logic bits = 26 physical bits
//-U8 gIRruntime; // IR running time (counting only if gIRstat != stIR_NONE)
#define nIRruntime 30000 // 25mS: 3.0+12*1.8=24.6mS
//#define timeout_RUNTIME_IR() (get_timer1() > nIRruntime)
#define timeout_RUNTIME_IR() (TMR1F != 0)
#define set_RUNTIME_IR(tm) set_timer1(65536UL-(tm)); TMR1F = 0
BIT bIRgoLeadingBit; // 0:data bit, 1:leading bit
BIT bIRnewHit; // 1:new IR code is received
VOID InitIR( VOID ) // initial IR engine
gIRstat = stIR_NONE;
bIRnewHit = FALSE;
// hardware dependent: set correct snapped interrupt edge setting
VOID TimeoutIR( VOID ) // check IR running timeout
if( gIRstat != stIR_NONE) {
if( timeout_RUNTIME_IR() ) { // timeout
VOID PollIR( VOID ) // put it in ISR (trigger when IR_PIN edge is changed)
U8 mIRtime;
mIRtime = get_TIME_IR(); set_TIME_IR(0);
switch( gIRstat ) {
case stIR_NONE:
if( is_SIGNAL_IR() ) { // leading bit
// IR engine is starting
gIRstat++; // gIRstat = stIR_IDLE;
//----------- gIRruntime = 0; // IR running time is counting
set_RUNTIME_IR(nIRruntime); // IR running time is counting
gIRdata = 0; // it is not necessary if mask unused bits before using it
gIRcount = 0; // starting
bIRgoLeadingBit = 1; // ready to process leading bit
case stIR_IDLE: // now is IR.IDLE signal (process last SIGNAL)
if( bIRgoLeadingBit ) { // now is leading bit
if( mIRtime > 1*maxIRtime(defIRlead1time) ) { // time > max. leading.1
goto _error_IDLE_PollIR; // last signal too long
if( mIRtime < 1*minIRtime(defIRlead1time) ) { // time < min. leading.1
goto _error_IDLE_PollIR; // last signal too short
} else { // now is data bit
if( mIRtime > 2*maxIRtime(defIRdata1time) ) { // time > max. ie: max(logic1data1time,logic0data1time)
goto _error_IDLE_PollIR; // last signal too long
if( mIRtime < 1*minIRtime(defIRdata1time) ) { // time < min. ie: min(logic1data1time,logic0data1time)
goto _error_IDLE_PollIR; // last signal too short
if( mIRtime < 2*minIRtime(defIRdata1time) ) { // time < min as logic 0
//----------- if( mIRtime < 1*maxIRtime(defIRdata1time) ) { // time < max as logic 0
add_Data_0_IR(); // add logic 0
} else {
add_Data_1_IR(); // add logic 1
case stIR_SIGNAL: // now is IR.SIGNAL signal (process last IDLE)
if( bIRgoLeadingBit ) { // now is leading bit
if( mIRtime > 1*maxIRtime(defIRlead0time) ) { // time > max. leading.0
goto _error_IDLE_PollIR; // last signal too long
if( mIRtime < 1*minIRtime(defIRlead0time) ) { // time < min. leading.0
goto _error_IDLE_PollIR; // last signal too short
bIRgoLeadingBit = 0; // ready to process data bit
} else { // now is data bit
if( mIRtime > 1*maxIRtime(defIRdata0time) ) { // time > max.
goto _error_IDLE_PollIR; // last signal too long
if( mIRtime < 1*minIRtime(defIRdata0time) ) { // time < min.
goto _error_IDLE_PollIR; // last signal too short
// ready to process next physical bit
if( ++gIRcount < nIRcount ) { // the 1~24th physical bit
// the 1~24th physical bit
gIRstat = gIRstat == stIR_IDLE ? stIR_SIGNAL : stIR_IDLE; // swap state
// hardware dependent: toggle snapped interrupt edge setting
//_complete_check_PollIR: // 25th phyiscal bit (26th one will be hidden)
// ex: translate Address/Command Bits....
bIRnewHit = TRUE;
void main()
printf( "IR\n" );
while(TRUE) {
if( is_INT_IR() ) {
if( bIRnewHit == TRUE ) { // new IR code is coming
bIRnewHit = FALSE;
// process IR event here
printf( "%4lX\n", gIRdata );
} |
Now i wanna adapt it to my pic 18f2550 but im having a lot of troubles, can some1 help me?
i wanna get that gIRdata and show it on my lcd.
Thank you in advance.
Carlos Silva |