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Trampas Guest
Structures for PORTA,B, etc |
Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:05 am |
I would like to use a more standard way to access pins more like other compilers which define stuff like code below.
The idea is that using this setup you can:
PORTAbits.RA0=1; //sets pin A0 to high value...
Is their a simple way to map the structures to memory locations using CCS?
extern volatile near unsigned char PORTA;
extern volatile near union {
struct {
unsigned RA0:1;
unsigned RA1:1;
unsigned RA2:1;
unsigned RA3:1;
unsigned RA4:1;
unsigned RA5:1;
unsigned RA6:1;
struct {
unsigned AN0:1;
unsigned AN1:1;
unsigned AN2:1;
unsigned AN3:1;
unsigned T0CKI:1;
unsigned AN4:1;
unsigned OSC2:1;
struct {
unsigned :2;
unsigned VREFM:1;
unsigned VREFP:1;
unsigned :1;
unsigned LVDIN:1;
unsigned CLKO:1;
} PORTAbits; |
Joined: 24 Jun 2004 Posts: 1912
Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:26 am |
Easy. Just define your structure:
Code: | struct lcd_pin_def
BOOLEAN unused1; // C0
BOOLEAN unused2; // C1
BOOLEAN unused3; // C2
BOOLEAN unused4; // C3
BOOLEAN w_bar; // C4 Write bar active low
BOOLEAN r_bar; // C5 Read bar active low
BOOLEAN cd; // C6 Command/Data BAR 1=command 0=data
BOOLEAN reset_bar; // C7 Reset active low
int data : 8; // PortD=Data bus
struct lcd_pin_def LCD; |
Then tell the compiler what port register to associate with the struct:
Code: | #byte LCD = 0xf82 // portC address on 18F452 |
Then use each "pin":
Code: |
LCD.r_bar = 1; //
LCD.cd = 1; // command |
This is an excerpt from some graphical lcd drivers I posted earlier. You'll notice that I mapped the struct to port C, and since the struct is really 16 bits long, it spills over into port D.
All you need to do is look up the address of the port's register in the datasheet of whatever pic you're using. Just search through the memory organization section for "special function registers".
The only thing to be careful of is the io mode. If you use the default standard io mode, the compiler will automatically set each bit as an input or output each time you call it/set it in your code. If you use fast io mode, you have to set each bit as input/output, and keep track of your settings, because the compiler won't touch the tris registers. |
Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:42 am |
Thanks for the information...
I tried that but I don't think CCS supports unions as in the structure I was using...
Trampas |
Joined: 07 Sep 2003 Posts: 2838 Location: Atlanta, GA
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:45 am |
Edited: Had to remove the unions. CCS doesn't like unnamed structs.
Code: |
#ifndef 16F876_H
#define 16F876_H
//////// Standard Header file for the PIC16F876 device ////////////////
#device PIC16F876
//////// Program memory: 8192x14 Data RAM: 367 Stack: 8
//////// I/O: 22 Analog Pins: 5
//////// Data EEPROM: 256
//////// C Scratch area: 77 ID Location: 2000
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I/O
// Discrete I/O Functions: SET_TRIS_x(), OUTPUT_x(), INPUT_x(),
// Constants used to identify pins in the above are:
#define PIN_A0 40
#define PIN_A1 41
#define PIN_A2 42
#define PIN_A3 43
#define PIN_A4 44
#define PIN_A5 45
#define PIN_B0 48
#define PIN_B1 49
#define PIN_B2 50
#define PIN_B3 51
#define PIN_B4 52
#define PIN_B5 53
#define PIN_B6 54
#define PIN_B7 55
#define PIN_C0 56
#define PIN_C1 57
#define PIN_C2 58
#define PIN_C3 59
#define PIN_C4 60
#define PIN_C5 61
#define PIN_C6 62
#define PIN_C7 63
/********************************************************** Useful defines
Function Registers
unsigned char ADCON0;
#locate ADCON0=0x1F
struct {
unsigned char ADON:1;
unsigned char UNUSED0:1;
unsigned char GO_DONE:1;
unsigned char CHS0:1;
unsigned char CHS1:1;
unsigned char CHS2:1;
unsigned char ADCS0:1;
unsigned char ADCS1:1;
} ADCON0bits;
#locate ADCON0bits=0x1F
unsigned char ADCON1;
#locate ADCON1=0x9F
struct {
unsigned char PCFG0:1;
unsigned char PCFG1:1;
unsigned char PCFG2:1;
unsigned char PCFG3:1;
unsigned char UNUSED:3;
unsigned char ADFM:1;
} ADCON1bits ;
#locate ADCON1bits=0x9F
unsigned char ADRESH;
#locate ADRESH=0x1E
unsigned char ADRESL;
#locate ADRESL=0x9E
unsigned char CCP1CON;
#locate CCP1CON=0x17
struct {
unsigned char CCP1M0:1;
unsigned char CCP1M1:1;
unsigned char CCP1M2:1;
unsigned char CCP1M3:1;
unsigned char CCP1Y:1;
unsigned char CCP1X:1;
} CCP1CONbits ;
#locate CCP1CONbits=0x17
unsigned char CCP2CON;
#locate CCP2CON=0x1D
struct {
unsigned char CCP2M0:1;
unsigned char CCP2M1:1;
unsigned char CCP2M2:1;
unsigned char CCP2M3:1;
unsigned char CCP2Y:1;
unsigned char CCP2X:1;
} CCP2CONbits ;
#locate CCP2CONbits=0x1D
unsigned int16 CCPR1;
#locate CCPR1=0x15
unsigned char CCPR1H;
#locate CCPR1H=0x16
unsigned char CCPR1L;
#locate CCPR1L=0x15
unsigned int16 CCPR2;
#locate CCPR2=0x1B
unsigned char CCPR2H;
#locate CCPR2H=0x1C
unsigned char CCPR2L;
#locate CCPR2L=0x1B
unsigned char EEADR;
#locate EEADR=0x10D
unsigned char EECON1;
#locate EECON1=0x18C
struct {
unsigned char RD:1;
unsigned char WR:1;
unsigned char WREN:1;
unsigned char WRERR:1;
unsigned char UNUSED:3;
unsigned char EEPGD:1;
} EECON1bits ;
#locate EECON1bits=0x18C
unsigned char EECON2;
#locate EECON2=0x18D
unsigned char EEDATA;
#locate EEDATA=0x10C
unsigned char EEDATH;
#locate EEDATA=0x10E
unsigned char EEADRH;
#locate EEDATA=0x10F
unsigned char FSR;
#locate FSR=0x04
unsigned char INDF;
#locate INDF=0x00
unsigned char INTCON;
#locate INTCON=0x0B
unsigned char RBIF:1;
unsigned char INTF:1;
unsigned char T0IF:1;
unsigned char RBIE:1;
unsigned char INTE:1;
unsigned char T0IE:1;
unsigned char PEIE:1;
unsigned char GIE:1;
} INTCONbits;
#locate INTCONbits=0x0B
unsigned char OPTION;
#locate OPTION=0x81
unsigned char PS0:1;
unsigned char PS1:1;
unsigned char PS2:1;
unsigned char PSA:1;
unsigned char T0SE:1;
unsigned char T0CS:1;
unsigned char INTEDG:1;
unsigned char NOT_RBPU:1;
} OPTIONbits;
#locate OPTIONbits=0x81
unsigned char PCL;
#locate RCON=0x02
unsigned char PCLATH;
#locate RCON=0x0A
unsigned char PCON;
#locate RCON=0x8E
unsigned char NOT_BOR:1;
unsigned char NOT_POR:1;
} PCONbits ;
#locate PCONbits=0x8E
unsigned char PIE1;
#locate PIE1=0x8C
struct {
unsigned char TMR1IE:1;
unsigned char TMR2IE:1;
unsigned char CCP1IE:1;
unsigned char SSPIE:1;
unsigned char TXIE:1;
unsigned char RCIE:1;
unsigned char ADIE:1;
unsigned char PSPIE:1;
} PIE1bits ;
#locate PIE1bits=0x8C
unsigned char PIE2;
#locate PIE2=0x8D
struct {
unsigned char CCP2IE:1;
unsigned char UNUSED0:2;
unsigned char BCLIE:1;
unsigned char EEIE:1;
} PIE2bits ;
#locate PIE2bits=0x8D
unsigned char PIR1;
#locate PIR1=0x0C
struct {
unsigned char TMR1IF:1;
unsigned char TMR2IF:1;
unsigned char CCP1IF:1;
unsigned char SSPIF:1;
unsigned char TXIF:1;
unsigned char RCIF:1;
unsigned char ADIF:1;
unsigned char PSPIF:1;
} PIR1bits ;
#locate PIR1bits=0x0C
unsigned char PIR2;
#locate PIR2=0x0D
struct {
unsigned char CCP2IF:1;
unsigned char UNUSED0:2;
unsigned char BCLIF:1;
unsigned char EEIF:1;
} PIR2bits ;
#locate PIR2bits=0x0D
unsigned char PORTA;
#locate PORTA=0x05
unsigned char RA0:1;
unsigned char RA1:1;
unsigned char RA2:1;
unsigned char RA3:1;
unsigned char RA4:1;
unsigned char RA5:1;
unsigned char RA6:1;
} PORTAbits ;
#locate PORTAbits=0x05
unsigned char PORTB;
#locate PORTB=0x06
unsigned char RB0:1;
unsigned char RB1:1;
unsigned char RB2:1;
unsigned char RB3:1;
unsigned char RB4:1;
unsigned char RB5:1;
unsigned char RB6:1;
unsigned char RB7:1;
} PORTBbits ;
#locate PORTBbits=0x06
unsigned char PORTC;
#locate PORTC=0x07
unsigned char RC0:1;
unsigned char RC1:1;
unsigned char RC2:1;
unsigned char RC3:1;
unsigned char RC4:1;
unsigned char RC5:1;
unsigned char RC6:1;
unsigned char RC7:1;
} PORTCbits ;
#locate PORTCbits=0x07
unsigned char PORTD;
#locate PORTD=0x08
unsigned char RD0:1;
unsigned char RD1:1;
unsigned char RD2:1;
unsigned char RD3:1;
unsigned char RD4:1;
unsigned char RD5:1;
unsigned char RD6:1;
unsigned char RD7:1;
} PORTDbits ;
#locate PORTDbits=0x08
unsigned char PORTE;
#locate PORTE=0x09
unsigned char RE0:1;
unsigned char RE1:1;
unsigned char RE2:1;
} PORTEbits ;
#locate PORTEbits=0x09
unsigned char PR2;
#locate PR2=0x92
unsigned char RCREG;
#locate RCREG=0x1A
unsigned char RCSTA;
#locate RCSTA=0x18
struct {
unsigned char RX9D:1;
unsigned char OERR:1;
unsigned char FERR:1;
unsigned char ADDEN:1;
unsigned char CREN:1;
unsigned char SREN:1;
unsigned char RX9:1;
unsigned char SPEN:1;
} RCSTAbits ;
#locate RCSTAbits=0x18
unsigned char SPBRG;
#locate SPBRG=0x99
unsigned char SSPADD;
#locate SSPADD=0x93
unsigned char SSPBUF;
#locate SSPBUF=0x13
unsigned char SSPCON;
#locate SSPCON=0x14
struct {
unsigned char SSPM0:1;
unsigned char SSPM1:1;
unsigned char SSPM2:1;
unsigned char SSPM3:1;
unsigned char CKP:1;
unsigned char SSPEN:1;
unsigned char SSPOV:1;
unsigned char WCOL:1;
} SSPCONbits ;
#locate SSPCONbits=0x14
unsigned char SSPCON2;
#locate SSPCON2=0x91
struct {
unsigned char SEN:1;
unsigned char RSEN:1;
unsigned char PEN:1;
unsigned char RCEN:1;
unsigned char ACKEN:1;
unsigned char ACKDT:1;
unsigned char ACKSTAT:1;
unsigned char GCEN:1;
} SSPCON2bits ;
#locate SSPCON2bits=0x91
unsigned char SSPSTAT;
#locate SSPSTAT=0x94
struct {
unsigned char BF:1;
unsigned char UA:1;
unsigned char R_W:1;
unsigned char S:1;
unsigned char P:1;
unsigned char D_A:1;
unsigned char CKE:1;
unsigned char SMP:1;
} SSPSTATbits ;
#locate SSPSTATbits=0x94
unsigned char STATUS;
#locate STATUS=0x03
struct {
unsigned char C:1;
unsigned char DC:1;
unsigned char Z:1;
unsigned char NOT_PD:1;
unsigned char NOT_TO:1;
unsigned char RP0:1;
unsigned char RP1:1;
unsigned char IRP:1;
} STATUSbits ;
#locate STATUSbits=0x03
unsigned char T1CON;
#locate T1CON=0x10
unsigned char TMR1ON:1;
unsigned char TMR1CS:1;
unsigned char NOT_T1SYNC:1;
unsigned char T1OSCEN:1;
unsigned char T1CKPS0:1;
unsigned char T1CKPS1:1;
} T1CONbits ;
#locate T1CONbits=0x10
unsigned char T2CON;
#locate T2CON=0x12
struct {
unsigned char T2CKPS0:1;
unsigned char T2CKPS1:1;
unsigned char TMR2ON:1;
unsigned char TOUTPS0:1;
unsigned char TOUTPS1:1;
unsigned char TOUTPS2:1;
unsigned char TOUTPS3:1;
} T2CONbits ;
#locate T2CONbits=0x12
unsigned char TMR0;
#locate TMR0=0x01
unsigned int16 TMR1;
#locate TMR1=0x0E
unsigned char TMR1H;
#locate TMR1H=0x0F
unsigned char TMR1L;
#locate TMR1L=0x0E
unsigned char TMR2;
#locate TMR2=0x11
unsigned char TRISA;
#locate TRISA=0x85
struct {
unsigned char TRISA0:1;
unsigned char TRISA1:1;
unsigned char TRISA2:1;
unsigned char TRISA3:1;
unsigned char TRISA4:1;
unsigned char TRISA5:1;
} TRISAbits ;
#locate TRISAbits=0x85
unsigned char TRISB;
#locate TRISB=0x86
struct {
unsigned char TRISB0:1;
unsigned char TRISB1:1;
unsigned char TRISB2:1;
unsigned char TRISB3:1;
unsigned char TRISB4:1;
unsigned char TRISB5:1;
unsigned char TRISB6:1;
unsigned char TRISB7:1;
} TRISBbits ;
#locate TRISBbits=0x86
unsigned char TRISC;
#locate TRISC=0x87
struct {
unsigned char TRISC0:1;
unsigned char TRISC1:1;
unsigned char TRISC2:1;
unsigned char TRISC3:1;
unsigned char TRISC4:1;
unsigned char TRISC5:1;
unsigned char TRISC6:1;
unsigned char TRISC7:1;
} TRISCbits ;
#locate TRISCbits=0x87
unsigned char TRISD;
#locate TRISD=0x88
struct {
unsigned char TRISD0:1;
unsigned char TRISD1:1;
unsigned char TRISD2:1;
unsigned char TRISD3:1;
unsigned char TRISD4:1;
unsigned char TRISD5:1;
unsigned char TRISD6:1;
unsigned char TRISD7:1;
} TRISDbits ;
#locate TRISDbits=0x88
unsigned char TRISE;
#locate TRISE=0x89
struct {
unsigned char TRISE0:1;
unsigned char TRISE1:1;
unsigned char TRISE2:1;
unsigned char UNUSED0:1;
unsigned char PSPMODE:1;
unsigned char IBOV:1;
unsigned char OBF:1;
unsigned char IBF:1;
} TRISEbits ;
#locate TRISEbits=0x89
unsigned char TXREG;
#locate TXREG=0x19
unsigned char TXSTA;
#locate TXSTA=0x98
struct {
unsigned char TX9D:1;
unsigned char TRMT:1;
unsigned char BRGH:1;
unsigned char UNUSED:1;
unsigned char SYNC:1;
unsigned char TXEN:1;
unsigned char TX9:1;
unsigned char CSRC:1;
} TXSTAbits ;
#locate TXSTAbits=0x98
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Useful defines
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#define BYTE int
#define BOOLEAN short int
#define getc getch
#define fgetc getch
#define getchar getch
#define putc putchar
#define fputc putchar
#define fgets gets
#define fputs puts
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Control
// Control Functions: RESET_CPU(), SLEEP(), RESTART_CAUSE()
// Constants returned from RESTART_CAUSE() are:
#define WDT_FROM_SLEEP 0
#define WDT_TIMEOUT 8
#define MCLR_FROM_SLEEP 16
#define NORMAL_POWER_UP 24
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Timer 0
// Timer 0 (AKA RTCC)Functions: SETUP_COUNTERS() or SETUP_TIMER0(),
// SET_TIMER0() or SET_RTCC(),
// Constants used for SETUP_TIMER0() are:
#define RTCC_EXT_L_TO_H 32
#define RTCC_EXT_H_TO_L 48
#define RTCC_DIV_1 8
#define RTCC_DIV_2 0
#define RTCC_DIV_4 1
#define RTCC_DIV_8 2
#define RTCC_DIV_16 3
#define RTCC_DIV_32 4
#define RTCC_DIV_64 5
#define RTCC_DIV_128 6
#define RTCC_DIV_256 7
#define RTCC_8_BIT 0
// Constants used for SETUP_COUNTERS() are the above
// constants for the 1st param and the following for
// the 2nd param:
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WDT
// Watch Dog Timer Functions: SETUP_WDT() or SETUP_COUNTERS() (see above)
#define WDT_18MS 8
#define WDT_36MS 9
#define WDT_72MS 10
#define WDT_144MS 11
#define WDT_288MS 12
#define WDT_576MS 13
#define WDT_1152MS 14
#define WDT_2304MS 15
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Timer 1
// Timer 1 Functions: SETUP_TIMER_1, GET_TIMER1, SET_TIMER1
// Constants used for SETUP_TIMER_1() are:
// (or (via |) together constants from each group)
#define T1_DISABLED 0
#define T1_INTERNAL 0x85
#define T1_EXTERNAL 0x87
#define T1_EXTERNAL_SYNC 0x83
#define T1_CLK_OUT 8
#define T1_DIV_BY_1 0
#define T1_DIV_BY_2 0x10
#define T1_DIV_BY_4 0x20
#define T1_DIV_BY_8 0x30
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Timer 2
// Timer 2 Functions: SETUP_TIMER_2, GET_TIMER2, SET_TIMER2
// Constants used for SETUP_TIMER_2() are:
#define T2_DISABLED 0
#define T2_DIV_BY_1 4
#define T2_DIV_BY_4 5
#define T2_DIV_BY_16 6
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CCP
// CCP Variables: CCP_x, CCP_x_LOW, CCP_x_HIGH
// Constants used for SETUP_CCPx() are:
#define CCP_OFF 0
#define CCP_CAPTURE_FE 4
#define CCP_CAPTURE_RE 5
#define CCP_CAPTURE_DIV_4 6
#define CCP_CAPTURE_DIV_16 7
#define CCP_PWM 0xC
#define CCP_PWM_PLUS_1 0x1c
#define CCP_PWM_PLUS_2 0x2c
#define CCP_PWM_PLUS_3 0x3c
long CCP_1;
#byte CCP_1 = 0x15
#byte CCP_1_LOW= 0x15
#byte CCP_1_HIGH= 0x16
long CCP_2;
#byte CCP_2 = 0x1B
#byte CCP_2_LOW= 0x1B
#byte CCP_2_HIGH= 0x1C
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPI
// Constants used in SETUP_SSP() are:
#define SPI_MASTER 0x20
#define SPI_SLAVE 0x24
#define SPI_L_TO_H 0
#define SPI_H_TO_L 0x10
#define SPI_CLK_DIV_4 0
#define SPI_CLK_DIV_16 1
#define SPI_CLK_DIV_64 2
#define SPI_CLK_T2 3
#define SPI_SAMPLE_AT_END 0x8000
#define SPI_XMIT_L_TO_H 0x4000
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UART
// Constants used in setup_uart() are:
// FALSE - Turn UART off
// TRUE - Turn UART on
#define UART_ADDRESS 2
#define UART_DATA 4
// TRUE - Turn UART on
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ADC
// Constants used for SETUP_ADC() are:
#define ADC_OFF 0 // ADC Off
#define ADC_CLOCK_DIV_2 0x100
#define ADC_CLOCK_DIV_8 0x40
#define ADC_CLOCK_DIV_32 0x80
#define ADC_CLOCK_INTERNAL 0xc0 // Internal 2-6us
// Constants used in SETUP_ADC_PORTS() are:
#define NO_ANALOGS 7 // None
#define ALL_ANALOG 0 // A0 A1 A2 A3 A5
#define AN0_AN1_AN2_AN4_VSS_VREF 1 // A0 A1 A2 A5 VRefh=A3
#define AN0_AN1_AN3 4 // A0 A1 A3
#define AN0_AN1_VSS_VREF 5 // A0 A1 VRefh=A3
#define AN0_AN1_AN4_VREF_VREF 0x08 // A0 A1 A5 VRefh=A3 VRefl=A2
#define AN0_AN1_VREF_VREF 0x0D // A0 A1 VRefh=A3 VRefl=A2
#define AN0 0x0E // A0
#define AN0_VREF_VREF 0x0F // A0 VRefh=A3 VRefl=A2
#define ANALOG_RA3_REF 0x1 //!old only provided for compatibility
#define RA0_RA1_RA3_ANALOG 0x4 //!old only provided for compatibility
#define RA0_RA1_ANALOG_RA3_REF 0x5 //!old only provided for compatibility
#define ANALOG_RA3_RA2_REF 0x8 //!old only provided for compatibility
#define RA0_RA1_ANALOG_RA3_RA2_REF 0xD //!old only provided for compatibility
#define RA0_ANALOG 0xE //!old only provided for compatibility
#define RA0_ANALOG_RA3_RA2_REF 0xF //!old only provided for compatibility
// Constants used in READ_ADC() are:
#define ADC_START_AND_READ 7 // This is the default if nothing is specified
#define ADC_START_ONLY 1
#define ADC_READ_ONLY 6
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INT
// Constants used in EXT_INT_EDGE() are:
#define L_TO_H 0x40
#define H_TO_L 0
// Constants used in ENABLE/DISABLE_INTERRUPTS() are:
#define GLOBAL 0x0BC0
#define INT_RTCC 0x0B20
#define INT_RB 0x0B08
#define INT_EXT 0x0B10
#define INT_AD 0x8C40
#define INT_TBE 0x8C10
#define INT_RDA 0x8C20
#define INT_TIMER1 0x8C01
#define INT_TIMER2 0x8C02
#define INT_CCP1 0x8C04
#define INT_CCP2 0x8D01
#define INT_SSP 0x8C08
#define INT_BUSCOL 0x8D08
#define INT_EEPROM 0x8D10
#define INT_TIMER0 0x0B20
#endif /* 16F876_H */
Last edited by Mark on Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:02 am; edited 1 time in total |
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:41 am |
Thanks for the post, I will give it try again...
Trampas |
valemike Guest
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:11 pm |
Hey Mark, did you add to that file? Or is it the standard .h file for newer versions? I can't find such an exhaustive .h file anywhere in my 3.191 distribution.
I notice the use of the #locate directive to define a PIC register. I usually use the #byte PIR1=0xF33 way of doing it. |
Joined: 07 Sep 2003 Posts: 2838 Location: Atlanta, GA
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 5:33 pm |
Yeah, I added to it. I don't think you can use #byte on a struct. I may be wrong on this since I have never tried it but I don't think it will work. After getting my code converted back to CCS today, I discovered that they do not support unnamed structs like the C18 so the unions in the header file won't work Not that big of a deal. One of the regs has the wrong address also. I'll post a corrected version tomorrow when I get back to work. |
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