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Joined: 20 Sep 2003 Posts: 47 Location: Brussel - Belgium
printf and last versions of pcw |
Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 12:42 pm |
I have the last versions of PCW and have some problems.
To determine where are the problems I write little programs for 16F876. And I found some differences.
Here a part of my test program.
Code: |
char cMin, csec;
cMin = 12;
csec= 54;
printf(LCD_PutChar,"%02U %02d", cMin, csec);
The printf( ) is in the while() and I increment cMin and csec each second. When the two variables come to 99, I reset to 1.
This program, compiled with version 3.163, show me 12 54 on my LCD and each second the two values are incremented. It's ok.
When I compile with versions 3.212 , 3.213 and 3.214 I see on my LCD 10 50. After 10 seconds I have 20 60 and so one. I never see 21 22 23 .... Only 20 30 40 ...
If I change the printf to printf(LCD_PutChar,"%02u:%02U", cMin, csec);
I have the same printing.
The last manual don't give a change in the parameters and the readme file don't give info. I see only this message on the CCS New version board :
Code: |
3.212 A %u and %d bug is fixed
Have somebody an answer ? Where is my mistake ?
Thanks and regard. |
PCM programmer
Joined: 06 Sep 2003 Posts: 21708
Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 5:48 pm |
You didn't provide a test program, so I made one.
Instead of having the output go to an LCD, I just have it
go to the terminal window on my PC. It works OK with
PCM vs. 3.214. Here is the output:
Code: | 12 54
13 55
14 56
15 57
16 58
17 59
18 60
19 61
20 62
21 63
22 64
23 65
24 66
25 67
26 68
27 69 |
Code: | #include <16F877.h>
#use delay(clock = 4000000)
#use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7, ERRORS)
void main()
char i;
char cMin = 12;
char cSec = 54;
printf("%02U %02d \n\r", cMin, cSec);
} |
Joined: 07 Sep 2003 Posts: 2838 Location: Atlanta, GA
Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:48 pm |
There seems to be a problem when using the lcd (lcd_putc). In the below test program, the first line prints correctly while the 2nd line is like what the posted saw.
Code: | #include <16F877.h>
#use delay(clock = 4000000)
#include "mylcd.c"
void main()
char i;
char cMin = 12;
char cSec = 54;
char buf[20];
sprintf(buf,"\f%02U %02d", cMin, cSec);
i = 0;
while (buf[i])
printf(lcd_putc,"\n%02U %02d", cMin, cSec);
if (cMin == 99)
cMin = 1;
if (cSec == 99)
cSec = 1;
} |
Joined: 20 Sep 2003 Posts: 47 Location: Brussel - Belgium
Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 3:04 am |
Many thanks for your answers.
I agree the fact that I don't have try with a terminal on my PC.
If my test program work fine on LCD compiled with my old version, with the 3 last versions it don't.
Normaly I used %02d for this variable, %02U was just for test.
Then the problem is in the LCD routine, but only with the 3 last versions. It's what Mark say.
Now the best is to compare both version.
Thanks and have a nice week end. |
Joined: 07 Sep 2003 Posts: 2838 Location: Atlanta, GA
Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 7:58 am |
To clear things up for anyone else reading this, the problem isn't per ce with the printf and its not with the lcd routine either but rather the 'glue' between them. |
Joined: 20 Sep 2003 Posts: 47 Location: Brussel - Belgium
Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 7:26 am |
Mark, thanks for your advies about this problem.
Here follow a little test program to show the problem and to discover "the glue".
My program is :
Code: |
/* test lcd 876 pcwh 3.214*/
#include <16F876.h>
#device *=16
#use delay (clock=16000000)
#define CRYSTAL_FREQ 16000000
#define LINE_1 0x00
#define LINE_2 0x40
#define CLEAR_DISP 0x01
#define LCD_D0 PIN_A0 //DB4
#define LCD_D1 PIN_A1 //DB5
#define LCD_D2 PIN_A2 //DB6
#define LCD_D3 PIN_A3 //DB7
#define LCD_EN PIN_B6 //enable
#define LCD_RS PIN_B7 // rs
static char cSec;
const char Title [] = "Test LCD";
#separate void LCD_Init ( void );
#separate void LCD_SetPosition ( unsigned int cX );
#separate void LCD_PutChar ( unsigned int cX );
#separate void LCD_PutCmd ( unsigned int cX );
#separate void LCD_PulseEnable ( void );
#separate void LCD_SetData ( unsigned int cX );
Main ()
set_tris_a ( 0x00 ); // tout output
set_tris_b ( 0x00 );
cSec = 12 ;
LCD_Init ( ) ;
LCD_SetPosition ( LINE_1 );
printf(LCD_PutChar,"%s", Title);
LCD_SetPosition ( LINE_2 );
while (true)
To reduce the code, I don't print the LCD routine.
After compilation with version 3.163 and 3.214, I have compared the difference in the asm code.
I give here only the differences. First the with PCW version 3.163
Code: |
0000: MOVLW 00
0001: MOVWF 0A
0002: GOTO 101
0003: NOP
.................... /* test lcd 876 pcwh 3.163*/
.................... #include <16F876.h>
.................... //////// Standard Header file for the PIC16F876 device ////////////////
.................... #device PIC16F876
.................... #list
.................... #device *=16
.................... #fuses HS,NOWDT,PUT,BROWNOUT,WRT,NOLVP
.................... #use delay (clock=16000000)
0032: MOVLW 24
0033: MOVWF 04
0034: BCF 03.7
.................... static char cSec;
0108: BCF 03.5
0109: CLRF 20
.................... const char Title [] = "Test LCD";
0004: BCF 0A.0
0005: BCF 0A.1
0006: BCF 0A.2
0007: ADDWF 02,F
0008: RETLW 54
0009: RETLW 65
000A: RETLW 73
000B: RETLW 74
000C: RETLW 20
000D: RETLW 4C
000E: RETLW 43
000F: RETLW 44
0010: RETLW 00
.................... printf(LCD_PutChar,"%s", Title);
0117: CLRF 21
0118: MOVF 21,W
0119: CALL 004
011A: IORLW 00
011B: BTFSC 03.2
011C: GOTO 121
011D: INCF 21,F
011E: MOVWF 23
011F: CALL 094
0120: GOTO 118
.................... printf(LCD_PutChar,"%02d",cSec);
00BC: MOVF 21,W
00BD: MOVWF 77
00BE: BTFSC 21.7
00BF: GOTO 0C4
00C0: BTFSS 22.2
00C1: GOTO 0CE
00C2: MOVLW 20
00C3: GOTO 0C9
00C4: COMF 77,F
00C5: INCF 77,F
00C6: MOVF 77,W
00C7: MOVWF 21
00C8: MOVLW 2D
00C9: MOVWF 78
00CA: MOVWF 23
00CB: CALL 094
00CC: BTFSS 22.2
00CD: BSF 22.3
00CE: MOVF 21,W
00CF: MOVWF 23
00D0: MOVLW 64
00D1: MOVWF 24
00D2: CALL 0A7
00D3: MOVF 77,W
00D4: MOVWF 21
00D5: MOVF 78,W
00D6: MOVLW 30
00D7: BTFSS 03.2
00D8: GOTO 0E0
00D9: BTFSC 22.0
00DA: GOTO 0E6
00DB: BTFSC 22.3
00DC: GOTO 0E6
00DD: BTFSC 22.4
00DE: MOVLW 20
00DF: GOTO 0E2
00E0: BCF 22.3
00E1: BCF 22.4
00E2: ADDWF 78,F
00E3: MOVF 78,W
00E4: MOVWF 23
00E5: CALL 094
00E6: MOVF 21,W
00E7: MOVWF 23
00E8: MOVLW 0A
00E9: MOVWF 24
00EA: CALL 0A7
00EB: MOVF 77,W
00EC: MOVWF 21
00ED: MOVF 78,W
00EE: MOVLW 30
00EF: BTFSS 03.2
00F0: GOTO 0F5
00F1: BTFSC 22.3
00F2: GOTO 0F9
00F3: BTFSC 22.4
00F4: MOVLW 20
00F5: ADDWF 78,F
00F6: MOVF 78,W
00F7: MOVWF 23
00F8: CALL 094
00F9: MOVLW 30
00FA: ADDWF 21,F
00FB: MOVF 21,W
00FC: MOVWF 23
00FD: CALL 094
00FE: BCF 0A.3
00FF: BCF 0A.4
0100: GOTO 129 (RETURN)
0124: MOVF 20,W
0125: MOVWF 21
0126: MOVLW 01
0127: MOVWF 22
0128: GOTO 0BC
.................... while (true)
And for PCWH version 3.124
Code: |
CCS PCM C Compiler, Version 3.214, 26317 19-d�c.-04 12:44
Filename: C:\CCS Tests\876 lcd 214.LST
ROM used: 318 words (4%)
Largest free fragment is 2048
RAM used: 7 (2%) at main() level
11 (3%) worst case
Stack: 4 locations
0000: MOVLW 00
0001: MOVWF 0A
0002: GOTO 112
0003: NOP
.................... /* test lcd 876 pcwh 3.214*/
.................... static char cSec;
011B: BCF 03.5
011C: CLRF 20
.................... const char Title [] = "Test LCD";
.................... #separate void LCD_Init ( void );
.................... #separate void LCD_SetPosition ( unsigned int cX );
.................... cSec = 12 ;
0121: MOVLW 0C
0122: BCF 03.5
0123: MOVWF 20
.................... printf(LCD_PutChar,"%s", Title);
012A: CLRF 21
012B: MOVF 21,W
012C: CALL 004
012D: IORLW 00
012E: BTFSC 03.2
012F: GOTO 134
0130: INCF 21,F
0131: MOVWF 23
0132: CALL 094
0133: GOTO 12B
.................... printf(LCD_PutChar,"%02d",cSec);
0137: MOVF 20,W
0138: MOVWF 21
0139: MOVLW 01
013A: MOVWF 22
013B: GOTO 0BC
.................... while (true)
There are no difference in the LCD code.
I see that :
- the code for the const char Title [] = "Test LCD"; is missing
- the code for printf(LCD_PutChar,"%02d",cSec); is totally different
- the code for printf(LCD_PutChar,"%s", Title); call to addresse 0004 not excist.
What can I do ?
I thing the only solution is send a mail to CCS....
Thanks for all what you do in this forum. Have a nice day. |
PCM programmer
Joined: 06 Sep 2003 Posts: 21708
Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 12:20 pm |
To see the code which begins at 0004, edit the 16F876.H file
and comment out the #nolist statement at the beginning of the file.
//////// Standard Header file for the PIC16F876 device ////////////////
#device PIC16F876
// #nolist <- Comment out this line
Then recompile your program and look at the .LST file.
You will now see the code at 0004. |
Joined: 20 Sep 2003 Posts: 47 Location: Brussel - Belgium
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:28 pm |
Answer received today from CCS :
Code: |
This will be fixed in 3.215.
Thanks. |
Joined: 21 Aug 2004 Posts: 8
A workaround |
Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:11 am |
If you need to display int8 values, print them as int16 instead with the variable cast as an int16.
Code: |
int8 var1;
int8 var2;
printf ( lcd_putc, "Variable1: %lu Lbs", (int16)var1 );
printf ( lcd_putc, "Variable2: %lu", (int16)var2 );
When they get the bug fixed, it'll be simple to change them to what they should be.
The problem doesn't seem to exist when using serout in 3.214. However, I seem to remember that in 3.212 it did exist in serout. It drove me crazy for about 4 hours one day. I finally decided it was an optimization issue and found a different way to do it.
If they fixed it by modifying serout instead of printf, I hope they remember to take the change out of serout when printf gets fixed. |
Joined: 20 Sep 2003 Posts: 47 Location: Brussel - Belgium
Thanks. |
Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 5:49 pm |
Thanks for your suggestion. I'll try tomorrow. |
How about 3.215 ? |
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:35 am |
How about 3.215 ? |
Joined: 21 Aug 2004 Posts: 8
Just Updated Apparently |
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:42 am |
Two days ago the current version was 3.214. I haven't received an email telling me that 3.215 was available. Apparently it is now. |
Joined: 20 Sep 2003 Posts: 47 Location: Brussel - Belgium
Bug solved |
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:29 am |
This bug is solved in the last version (3.215).
Thanks for you help. |
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