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Code Translation from cc5x to ccs

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Code Translation from cc5x to ccs
PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:28 am     Reply with quote

Hi everyone I want to translate the following code from cc5x compiler to ccs compiler. My first problem are the port declaration for a specific bit of the port like PORTA.x.Then I want to translate how to access one bit of specific variable like temp.x and I hope someone can help me to convert this code. Thanks very much.

#define Clock_8MHz
#define Baud_9600

#include "d:\Pics\c\16F88.h"

//There is no config word because this program tested on a 16F88 using Bloader the boot load program

#pragma origin 4

#include "d:\Pics\code\Delay.c" // Delays
#include "d:\Pics\code\Stdio.c" // Basic Serial IO

#define TX_CE PORTB.0
#define TX_CS PORTB.1
#define TX_CLK1 PORTB.3
#define TX_DATA PORTB.4

#define RX_CE PORTA.2
#define RX_CS PORTA.3
#define RX_CLK1 PORTA.4
#define RX_DATA PORTA.1
#define RX_DR PORTA.0

uns8 data_array[29];
uns8 counter;
uns8 packet_number;

void boot_up(void);
void configure_receiver(void);
void configure_transmitter(void);
void transmit_data(void);
void receive_data(void);

void main()
uns8 i;
uns16 elapsed_time;

packet_number = 0;
counter = 0;



//Put some data in the ougoing array
data_array[0] = packet_number;
for(i = 1 ; i < 29 ; i++)
data_array[i] = ++counter;


//Here we monitor how many clock cycles it takes for the receiver to register good data
//elasped_time is in cycles - each cycles is 500ns at 8MHz so 541 cycles = 270.5us
TMR1IF = 0;
TMR1L = 0 ; TMR1H = 0 ; TMR1ON = 1;
while(RX_DR == 0)
if (TMR1IF == 1) break; //If timer1 rolls over waiting for data, then break
TMR1ON = 0;
elapsed_time.high8 = TMR1H;
elapsed_time.low8 = TMR1L;

if(RX_DR == 1) //We have data!

delay_ms(10); //Have a second between transmissions just for evaluation



void boot_up(void)
OSCCON = 0b.0111.0000; //Setup internal oscillator for 8MHz
while(OSCCON.2 == 0); //Wait for frequency to stabilize

ANSEL = 0b.0000.0000; //Turn pins to Digital instead of Analog
CMCON = 0b.0000.0111; //Turn off comparator on RA port

PORTA = 0b.0000.0000;
TRISA = 0b.0000.0001; //0 = Output, 1 = Input (RX_DR is on RA0)

PORTB = 0b.0000.0000;
TRISB = 0b.0000.0100; //0 = Output, 1 = Input (RX is an input)

enable_uart_TX(0); //Setup the hardware UART for 20MHz at 9600bps
enable_uart_RX(0); //Take a look at header files - it's not that hard to setup the UART

printf("\n\rRF-24G Testing:\n\r", 0);



//This will clock out the current payload into the data_array
void receive_data(void)
uns8 i, j, temp;

RX_CE = 0;//Power down RF Front end

//Erase the current data array so that we know we are looking at actual received data
for(i = 0 ; i < 29 ; i++)
data_array[i] = 0x00;

//Clock out the data
for(i = 0 ; i < 29 ; i++) //29 bytes
for(j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++) //8 bits each
temp <<= 1;
temp.0 = RX_DATA;

RX_CLK1 = 1;
RX_CLK1 = 0;


data_array[i] = temp; //Store this byte

//if(RX_DR == 0) //Once the data is clocked completely, the receiver should make DR go low
// printf("DR went low\n\r", 0);

printf("Received packet %d\n\r", data_array[0]);
//This prints out the entire array - very large!
printf("\n\rData Received:\n\r", 0);
for(i = 0 ; i < 29 ; i++)
printf("[%d]", i);
printf(" : %h - ", data_array[i]);

RX_CE = 1; //Power up RF Front end

//This sends out the data stored in the data_array
//data_array must be setup before calling this function
void transmit_data(void)
uns8 i, j, temp, rf_address;

TX_CE = 1;

//Clock in address
rf_address = 17;
for(i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++)
TX_DATA = rf_address.7;
TX_CLK1 = 1;
TX_CLK1 = 0;

rf_address <<= 1;

//Clock in the data_array
for(i = 0 ; i < 29 ; i++) //29 bytes
temp = data_array[i];

for(j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++) //One bit at a time
TX_DATA = temp.7;
TX_CLK1 = 1;
TX_CLK1 = 0;

temp <<= 1;

TX_CE = 0; //Start transmission

//2.4G Configuration - Receiver
//This setups up a RF-24G for receiving at 1mbps
void configure_receiver(void)
uns8 i, j, temp;
uns8 config_setup[14];

//During configuration of the receiver, we need RX_DATA as an output
PORTA = 0b.0000.0000;
TRISA = 0b.0000.0001; //0 = Output, 1 = Input (RX_DR is on RA0) (RX_DATA is on RA1)

//Config Mode
RX_CE = 0; RX_CS = 1;

//Setup configuration array
//Data bits 111-104 Max data width on channel 1 (excluding CRC and adrs) is 232
config_setup[0] = 232;

//Data bits 103-64 Channel 2 address - we don't care, set it to 200
config_setup[1] = 0;
config_setup[2] = 0;
config_setup[3] = 0;
config_setup[4] = 0;
config_setup[5] = 200;

//Data bits 63-24 Channel 1 address - set it to 17
config_setup[6] = 0;
config_setup[7] = 0;
config_setup[8] = 0;
config_setup[9] = 0;
config_setup[10] = 17;

//Data bits 23-16 Address width and CRC
config_setup[11] = 0b.0010.0011;

//Data bits 15-8
config_setup[12] = 0b.0100.1101;

//Data bits 7-0
config_setup[13] = 0b.0000.1101;

//Clock in configuration data
for(i = 0 ; i < 14 ; i++)
temp = config_setup[i];

for(j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++)
RX_DATA = temp.7;
RX_CLK1 = 1;
RX_CLK1 = 0;

temp <<= 1;

//Configuration is actived on falling edge of CS (page 10)
RX_CE = 0; RX_CS = 0;

//After configuration of the receiver, we need RX_DATA as an input
PORTA = 0b.0000.0000;
TRISA = 0b.0000.0011; //0 = Output, 1 = Input (RX_DR is on RA0) (RX_DATA is on RA1)

//Start monitoring the air
RX_CE = 1; RX_CS = 0;

printf("RX Configuration finished...\n\r", 0);


//2.4G Configuration - Transmitter
//This sets up one RF-24G for shockburst transmission
void configure_transmitter(void)
uns8 i, j, temp;
uns8 config_setup[14];

//Config Mode
TX_CE = 0; TX_CS = 1;

//Setup configuration array
//Data bits 111-104 Max data width on channel 1 (excluding CRC and adrs) is 232
config_setup[0] = 232;

//Data bits 103-64 Channel 2 address - we don't care, set it to 200
config_setup[1] = 0;
config_setup[2] = 0;
config_setup[3] = 0;
config_setup[4] = 0;
config_setup[5] = 200;

//Data bits 63-24 Channel 1 address - set it to 17
config_setup[6] = 0;
config_setup[7] = 0;
config_setup[8] = 0;
config_setup[9] = 0;
config_setup[10] = 17;

//Data bits 23-16 Address width and CRC
config_setup[11] = 0b.0010.0011;

//Data bits 15-8
config_setup[12] = 0b.0100.1101;

//Data bits 7-0
config_setup[13] = 0b.0000.1100;

//Clock in configuration data
for(i = 0 ; i < 14 ; i++)
temp = config_setup[i];

for(j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++)
TX_DATA = temp.7;
TX_CLK1 = 1;
TX_CLK1 = 0;

temp <<= 1;

//Configuration is actived on falling edge of CS (page 10)
TX_CE = 0; TX_CS = 0;

printf("TX Configuration finished...\n\r", 0);
Jean Paul Talledo Vilela
PACE Laboratory
Tec de Monterrey

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:37 am     Reply with quote

if you edit your post and include [.code] (leave out the .) before the start of the code and [./code] (leave out the .) after the end of the code it will make it a lot easier for people to read.

change the format from: #define TX_CE PORTB.0

to: #define TX_CE PIN_B0

add #define uns8 int

change the format from: 0b.0000.1100 to 0b00001100
Regards, Andrew
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:53 am     Reply with quote

TX_CE = 1;

TX_CE is used in the code as a memory location, which means he
should use a #bit statement to define it. This is how it should be done:

#byte PORTB = 6

#bit TX_CE = PORTB.0
#bit TX_CS = PORTB.1
#bit TX_CLK1 = PORTB.3
#bit TX_DATA = PORTB.4
// etc.

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please help me with his code too!!!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:05 am     Reply with quote

my problem translating is how to convert the temp.0 to ccs function or variable.


for(j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++) //8 bits each
temp <<= 1;
temp.0 = RX_DATA;

RX_CLK1 = 1;
RX_CLK1 = 0;

Jean Paul Talledo Vilela
PACE Laboratory
Tec de Monterrey

Joined: 24 Jun 2004
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Re: please help me with his code too!!!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:12 am     Reply with quote

Jean_Paul_Talledo wrote:
my problem translating is how to convert the temp.0 to ccs function or variable.


for(j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++) //8 bits each
temp <<= 1;
temp.0 = RX_DATA;

RX_CLK1 = 1;
RX_CLK1 = 0;


Easy. Just before the for loop, initialize temp = 0, then replace "temp.0 = RX_DATA" with:

if (RX_DATA) {
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